
Showing posts from October, 2020

MEE-S1E1: Breeland/Old Bones and Skin (part 1)

MEE-S1E1: “Don’t Dally, I Have Your Scent.” Otbert (Bill) Beorning Wanderer Zim (Tony) Hobbit Treasure Hunter Ricfried (Brian) Woodsman Warden Lorig (Matt) Dwarven Scholar Mud (Duane) Wood Elf Wanderer Axel (Geoff) Rohanian Warrior May 5, 2951 : The day had been filled with mundane tasks. Thus late evening when they all gathered outside the Prancing Pony. Entering to find a crowded room: Throngs of Breelands and Hobbits, a table of dwarves, a lone cowled ranger in another corner, and a lone dwarf lining his own empty ale mugs. Thankfully Hilda noticed them, “I was just about to give your corner table away.” Tankards soon crowded the table, along with elbows and plates of food quickly being emptied by the voracious hobbit. Otbert had to shoo Zim away from his own plate, “Where the hell are you packing all that food?”  Gror Gror's travels  Curious, Mu

S1E0: Introductions are in Order

Third Age 2951   is the year of the Sun  of the  Third Age  of  Middle-earth . Notable events in this year include: ·     Sauron  declares himself openly and gathers power in  Mordor . He begins the rebuilding of  Barad-dûr . ·     The remaining  Gondorians  of  Ithilien  start to flee. ·     Gollum  turns towards  Mordor . ·     Sauron  sends  Khamûl  and other two of the  Nazgûl  to reoccupy  Dol Guldur . ·     Birth of  Heribald Bolger , second child and second son of  Wilibald Bolger  and  Prisca Baggins . ·     Elrond  reveals to  Aragorn  his true name and ancestry; Aragorn meets  Arwen  in  Rivendell ; and Aragorn goes into the Wild.   Otbert (Bill) Beorning Wanderer Chieftain Beorn insisted he travel with the Woodsman Ricfried “to solidify allies. They protect our southern border.” Over the months Otbert found trust and confidence in the man. Zim (Tony) Hobbit Treasure Hunter Befriended Axel when the Rohan was ki