EE-S5E3: Eriador/Part 3-Shadows over Tyrn Gorthad (Conclusion)

EE-S5E3: Eriador/Part 3-Shadows over Tyrn Gorthad (Conclusion) Nov 14, TA2975 : Having found the hill of Mirabella Thorndike ’s encounter with a Wight, the fellowship was rewarded with the appearance of Tom Bombadil. Vogar (Bill) Dwarf Warrior… Shadow Weakness2 (Arrogant) with elven horse Zim (Tony) Hobbit Treasure Hunter with horse Ricfried (Brian) Woodsman Warden with horse Lorig (Matt) Dwarf Scholar, +pony Mud (Duane) Wood Elf Wanderer, mare Athel Axel (Geoff) Rohanian Warrior, warhorse Stedrick … Shadow Weakness (Resentful) Nov 14 th : Axel and Zim were reluctant to leave the hill, “There’s a sword Gandalf mentioned that would serve us well.” Tom only laughed, “Come now, that silly old man only told you to find the hill, not rob it.” Whatever arguments they could have made were voided as Tom led them to his house in...