EE-S5E3: Eriador/Part 3-Shadows over Tyrn Gorthad (Conclusion)

 EE-S5E3: Eriador/Part 3-Shadows over Tyrn Gorthad (Conclusion)

Nov 14, TA2975: Having found the hill of Mirabella Thorndike’s encounter with a Wight, the fellowship was rewarded with the appearance of Tom Bombadil. 

Vogar (Bill) Dwarf Warrior… Shadow Weakness2 (Arrogant) with elven horse 

Zim (Tony) Hobbit Treasure Hunter with horse

Ricfried (Brian) Woodsman Warden with horse

Lorig (Matt) Dwarf Scholar, +pony

Mud (Duane) Wood Elf Wanderer, mare Athel

Axel (Geoff) Rohanian Warrior, warhorse Stedrick… Shadow Weakness (Resentful)

Nov 14th: Axel and Zim were reluctant to leave the hill, “There’s a sword Gandalf mentioned that would serve us well.” Tom only laughed, “Come now, that silly old man only told you to find the hill, not rob it.” Whatever arguments they could have made were voided as Tom led them to his house in the woods, “Come, come. Supper is ready and we’ve much to talk about.” It didn’t take Zim long to comply, “Supper?!”



Mud tried to mentally plot their path for future reference but as he turned to look over his shoulder, the scenery had already changed. They soon stood before a grassy knoll where a stone house stood. Bright shiny lamps illuminated the colorful windows. Tom sung out as they approached, “Hail lady of cheerful rains! Star of my days who never wanes! Fairer than the sun on water! Queen of my heart, the River-daughter! Goldberry, our guests have arrived.” Indeed, a lady with long bright golden hair rolling over her shoulders stood in the doorway in her silvery-green dress. Inside, water lilies floated in earthen jars set about the room as she offered, “Your rooms are ready.”

Mud could only ask, “How’d you know we were coming?” To which Tom replied, “Come, eat, drink.” As if time had skipped a beat, they all found themselves feasting from a table filled with fruits, nuts, mushrooms, and honey-wine. None could remember taking their boots off. But that did give Vogar an excuse to sit and rub his feet. Only to blink repeatedly as holes in his socks magically darned themselves. All tensions and worried cares melted away as Tom sang more merry tunes. Vogar joined in with his lute. Followed by Lorig and his bagpipes. Even Mud, Ricfried, Zim, and Axel joined in on their instruments. A carefree time as Zim danced with Goldberry while chomping on an apple.

Tom sang one song after another, each focused on the exploits of each member of the company. Zim’s family in the Shire, Vogar’s dealing with Balin, Lorig’s healing studies under the Elven twins, Axel’s wife and kids back in Rohan, Mud’s military training in Imladris, and even Ricfried’s morgul wound. As the night stretched long, Tom paused in song to finally admit, “Old Tom knows why you’ve come. Bold wights, mouldy wights, slipping out their hills. Running here, striking there, travelling where they will. Malice that will not rest, nor depart into ever after. Cursed souls walking in the night, cold fingers choking laughter.”

Then in a serious tone, “Tell Gandalf that he has tarried long enough. Mid-summer is when he must act, farthest from the winter in which they were bound. Tell him the Wight-King will come before the end. And since you will be joining him in his quest, let me teach you a song to use against the wights.” Alas, only Lorig, Axel, and Ricfried were able to focus on the meter and metrics of the song to commit to memory.

Nov 15th: All woke to the sweet smell of breakfast. All aches and pains gone. The most refreshing night they’d even spent. Admittedly, even better than that night with Gandalf. Goldberry alone to send them on their way, “Tom has cleared the path from here to the road.” As they rode along, Mud just HAD to reach out for a tree branch… he jerked his hand back. “I swear, it was if the leaves tried to wrap around my hand and pull me off the horse!” They prodded their horses faster till they reached the all familiar Old-East-Road. In the distance they could hear Tom singing, “No time to tarry…”

Winter and Spring TA2976: Zim turned west along the road as he returned home to family. Vogar also turned west for the Blue Mountains to visit his brother’s family. Lorig stayed in Bree to research what the locals knew of ‘Deadman’s Dike’ as they called the Downs. Axel traveled south along the Greenway then southeast toward his family in Rohan. Leaving Mud and Ricfried who rode along the Old-East-Road back to Rivendell.

At the appointed time, weeks before the Summer Equinox (mid-June), they all made their way to Rivendell for their meeting with Gandalf. Mithlandir’s eyebrows furrowed as he puffed on his pipe, “I’ve scoured the library of Minas Tirith in search of the appropriate actions needed. In order to rid the lands of the wandering Wights, I must reseal the wards placed on Tyrn Gorthad (the Barrow Downs). I know not how long the spell will take, but I am certain my actions will attract the Witch-King and his minions. They will attack in earnest. Thus, I ask of you to protect me during my vulnerable state of casting the spell.”

Lorig lifted his backpack ready to travel, “Tom worried the time short and mentioned mid-summer as the time to act. We must hasten.” Gandalf smiled at the dwarf’s impatience, “Indeed. Mid-summer for the longest day to give me time to reseal the wards. We will get there in time my friends. Be not so anxious to rush as the day will prove to be your longest battle of your storied lore. And to aid you in your coming conflict, take these vials to ward off the Wights. Use them at the time of your greatest need. Break them at the feet of your enemy; let the Light-of-Istar keep them at bay.”

It was a long ride west along the Old-East-Road. Gandalf plodded along on Shadowfax without a worry in the world, puffing on his pipe. Maybe he let the fellowship worry for him. For they noted the dreary weather the closer they got to Bree and the Downs. The sky was overcast as they led Mithrandir into the Downs and up the small rise covered in white flowers. “We’re here. Mirabella’s safe haven.”

June 21st: They used the morning to gather wood as they prepared bonfires all around the hill where Gandalf planned to cast his spell. By noon the company circled the rise in pairs (those who knew the protective song learned from Tom paired with a fighter) as Gandalf began his casting.



Noon till 4pm: Four long hours of his incessant chanting. Ever watchful of the fog that began to roll in. Moans and baying echoed from the distance. Boredom tested their focus as their eyes grew heavy. Till Mud announced, “An audience gathers at the edge of the hill. They seem halted by an invisible barrier.” The outline of Wights shifted in the thick fog as they began their own chant which caused the company’s arm-hairs to bristle as their muscles seemed to stiffen. Till the learned-trio countered with their own ‘Tom’ song. Mud loosed magical arrows while Zim and Ricfried twanged fire-arrows. Wights suddenly screeched an eerie wail that caused Axel to clasp his ears, “I can’t hear.” Mud consoled, “You can relax; they melted back into the fog.”



4 till 8pm: All the while, Gandalf continued his own chanting. How else to describe it other than a repetitive metric of magical words. He was causing an effect. Wights shrieked louder as if in pain. Till once again Wights ringed the hill, returned with a vengeance. Arrows found their mark as the foe stood their ground. But this time, a larger Wight stood behind the others. HIS wailing seemed to momentarily stun Mud while prodding the other Wights across the barrier. Vogar threw his axes that only passed thru a Wight. Late realization only magical weapons or fire would do harm.



Bonfires around Gandalf kept the Wights at bay along with the ring of fighters who intercepted the onslaught. Wights screeched as magical blades and hammers wounded them. And the fellowship winced when Wight claws found skin. The Elf seemed to be the center of attention since the Wights could not get close to Gandalf. Even the leader, the Wight-King, joined in the assault on Mud. Zim managed to move thru his foe and stab him dead before drawing his bow to launch fire-arrows at the leader from behind.



With no magical blade and his foe in melee, Mud used a torch to attack. To lend aid, Ricfried attacked with his vial (Light-of-Istar) which caused the Wights to recoil in pain. And that’s when Ricfried grabbed his own chest in pain. His morgul wound flaring with an unbearable constriction. For upon the hill came the Witch-King himself! If not already the center of attention, Mud gritted his teeth as he withstood the black-breath of the Nazgul. In reaction, he swung at the Witch-King only to have to withstand another black-breath counterattack.

8 till midnight: Desperation as the Wights closed in, commanded to stop Gandalf at all costs. The company maneuvered to use the bonfires to block the Wight advance as the fellowship blocked the open gaps. The dwarves managed to thin their foe till Vogar [Defender of the Fallen] dashed to Mud’s side when the Elf fell before the evil kings [failed CONsave versus black-breath]. Which meant he left Lorig alone against one Wight while Axel was alone facing two of his own.

Vogar shield-blocked the Witch-King’s first blade downswing at the prone Elf, but his 2nd attack struck the defenseless Mud [1st failed deathsave]. Zim recognized the ‘darkest hour’ and threw his own vial (Light-of-Istar) amongst the Wights, and then advanced to stand between the Witch-King and Mud. While the Witch-King raised his hand to shield his eyes, the Wight-King bolted in fear. Zim and Vogar got in departing attacks as the king ran past them.

Maybe the sight of a fallen ally focused the dwarf, for Lorig slew his remaining foe so he could rush to Mud’s side. While Vogar shielded him, the healer knelt beside Mud to lay healing-hands. But by now, Wights chanced to advance thru the bonfires to attack Gandalf. While 2 were consumed by fire, 2 broke thru to stand before Mithrandir.

The Hobbit realized saving Gandalf was the primary task of the day; so, he darted past the Witch-King to attack a Wight threatening the wizard. Vogar too saw the threat and joined the fight to defend the Grey. Those 2 Wights were slain. Healed, Mud chose poorly his timing to stand… which drew another attack from the Witch-King. Hit and staggered, the Elf reached into his vest to retrieve his own vial (Light-of-Istar) to toss to the Hobbit so he could draw his bow. But Zim had his own bow out. Which meant “hot potato” as he caught the vial only to toss it to Ricfried.

Zim’s well-aimed fire-arrow slew the lesser king. Ricfried used the vial which slew a few more. And the Witch-King howled. The company recoiled from the eerie blast…Zim fell unconscious [failed CONsave]. “Where’d he go?!” The Witch-King had disappeared. Only Mud, with his keen elven eyes, saw the king standing at the base of the hill. Withdrawn and pissed at his failure. But the dwarves remained vigilant least he renew his attack. Ricfried and Zim launched fire-arrows against the remaining Wights attacking Axel. Maybe an hour of rest to heal and restoke the fires as Ricfried sang to liven the spirits and bolster the company’s fortitude.

Hours before dawn: Another spectral horde; even more Wights approached the hill. But this time without the presence of either king. Maybe the Witch-King stood deeper in the fog, commanding from afar. Half the Wights risked the bonfires to attack Gandalf as the others attacked the company to keep them busy. The fighters attacked their foe as the archers thinned those attacking Mithlandir. Zim dashed beside Gandalf to lend aid. Vogar threw a flask of oil at the Wights attacking the Grey: one Wight was engulfed in flames. Zim patted out flames as residual oil had splashed on him. And that’s when the company entered the ring of bonfires to defend Gandalf up close. To not let any Wights threaten him.

Gandalf raised his staff high as light blazed from it. He waved his right hand and the bonfires burst into brilliant life. Yet the heat and flames seemed to lick outward, such that the fellowship inside the ring was not affected. His voice a thunderous roar, Gandalf spoke his verses one last time. Any Wight within sight burst into flame. The fog lifted, revealing the Witch-King standing by a mount. As he withdrew, “We will meet again.”

For Mithlandir HAD resealed the wards. Not completely. There were some cracks in the mystic wall. Maybe the Witch-King and a few Wights might venture beyond the Downs, but there would no longer be an army of Wights to threaten the lands. The rangers would be able to handle any specter that appeared. Well, except for the Witch-King himself. But that is a matter for another time. And another company.


The fellowship did not leave empty-handed. Gandalf gave each a pouch containing small but exceedingly well-wrought gemstones of Erebor of old. And least not forget the bonds they had formed with Lord Elrond. Ricfried and Zim made sure songs heralding their deeds were composed and sung often throughout the lands.

Mud needed to find his center and rediscover harmony.  He took a short 20-year fellowship to focus on his training with Glorfindel and continue potion brewing with the twins, Elladan and Elrohir.  He eventually took an oath to protect Rivendell and took permanent residence in Imladris.  Mud spent lots of time in the forests and frequented his old friends throughout Middle Earth and family in the Woodland Realm.

From time-to-time, Mud undertook realm missions under Lord Elrond or Glorfindel’s orders.  Maintaining peace, assisting the Rangers, slowing down the darkness, and running missions for Glorfindel had become his third calling.

During the War of the Ring, after Legolas departed to Rivendell, King Thranduil requested Lord Elrond to send assistance to help protect the sovereignty within the Woodland realm.  Since Mud was from Mirkwood, Glorfindel allowed Mud to take temporary residence in Mirkwood to support his old King.  Mud used his advanced training to fortify Mirkwood’s borders, train recruits, lead the defense against the forces of Dol Guldur, and later joined armies with Celeborn to take down the castle.

During the fourth-age, Mud spent most of his time building and rebuilding the realm after the war.  Shortly thereafter, he split his time and services between Imladris and the Mountains of Mirkwood.  After his friend and High King, Edhelharn’s (King Aragorn) passing, he followed Legolas and Gimli to Valinor.

Vogar returned to the Lonely Mountains to report to Balin. In TA2989, he joined the elder dwarf who led an expedition to reclaim the ancient Dwarven kingdom of Moria. The cleaved dwarf was there when Balin discovered Durin’s Axe and a Mithril helm to earn the title Lord of Moria. But alas, in TA2994 the Orcs attacked in numbers to reclaim Moria. Balin was slain near Durin’s tomb while Vogar died beside Oin as they tried to break out of the West gate. He saw the light of day only to be taken by the Watcher-in-the-Water.

Lorig stayed in Rivendell to continue his research into healing morgul wounds. Every decade he’d journey back to the Lonely Mountain to assist with dwarven needs. He continued to join Elven and Ranger expeditions in the continued fight against the shadow. And he lent aid to Gandalf whenever he called for help to slow the spread of evil across the lands.

In TA3019, he survived the War-of-the-Ring during the Sieges of Dale and Erebor. His healing hands saved many a dwarf and man-of-Dale.

Axel returned home to Rohan with a hero’s welcome. He cautioned his fellow man about the weak alliance with the Dunlenders to their west. He settled into a farming life but was ever vigilant to train his boys in battle. Prepared they were for the War-of-the-Ring as strapping men (40ish) as they fought and defended in the Battle-of-Helm’s Deep (aka The Hornburg). And thus it was, in TA3019, Axel (age 89), rode out beside King Théoden of Rohan “to take the fight to the enemy.” Sadly, Axel had already fallen when Erkenbrand (with horn and his red shield) arrived with reinforcements.

Ricfried returned to his Woodland realm to warn and ready his fellow man for the coming shadow threats. And near the anniversary of his morgul wound, he annually returned to Radagast to seek comfort and latest news of any threat from Dol Guldur. Sadly, he did not live to see the year TA3019 when his Woodland realm was overrun by Orc.

Zim returned to the Shire. He actually snuck back to avoid contact and the threat any Hobbit might learn of his wealth, for he had seen how his fellow Hobbits treated Bilbo Baggins. He quietly raised his Gamgee family. And watched his nephew Sam Gamgee grow up before his eyes as the lad seemed transfixed on the ‘treasure hunter’s’ stories. Maybe it was Zim who inspired the lad to follow Frodo. But it was Zim in TA3019 who left his family to take the fight to the enemy as he once again felt the calling to rid the world of the shadow. It was his arrow which slay Wormtongue who had corrupted the land of his dearest friend Axel.


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