MEE-S5E1: Eriador/Part 1-Shadows over Tyrn Gorthad

Late July, TA2965: With a key found in the pocket of the troll Bosbo, they remember his lair in the South Down they’d found decades ago. It’s an easy ride east along the Old East Road to Bree then south along the Greenway before cutting southeast across the South Downs. Enough treasure to settle down. 

Vogar (Bill) Dwarf Warrior… Shadow Weakness2 (Arrogant) …elven horse 

Zim (Tony) Hobbit Treasure Hunter

Ricfried (Brian) Woodsman Warden…absent

Lorig (Matt) Dwarf Scholar, +pony

Mud (Duane) Wood Elf Wanderer, mare Athel

Axel (Geoff) Rohanian Warrior, warhorse Stedrick… Shadow Weakness (Resentful)

ThThe Decade of Fellowship

The Shire was abuzz about Bilbo Baggins taking in his 7-year-old nephew Frodo. This disappointed the Sacksville-Baggins as they don't think they would inherit Bag-End when Bilbo passes, even though Bilbo never seemed to age.

It seemed the death of Mormog ended the organized threat of the trolls in Eriador, as without a powerful leader, they fell back into their tribalism.

Hiraval recovered such that he and his son Edrahil rebuilt their family manor near Weathertop as a great refuge for weary travelers. And established a powerful defensive position for the rangers.

In the last couple of years there had been more rumors about Barrow-wights seen as far away as Buckland to the weather hills.

Vogar (204 yearsold): Brother Vig and his sons (Narvig and Narvi) were from the Blue Mountains. Thus, after slaying the trolls, Vogar journeys there to find his nephew Narvig. Absent 11 years ago when his father Vig and brother Narvi were killed by trolls north of the last bridge.

To honor his slain brother Vig (Narvig’s father), Vogar journeys with Narvig back to the Trollshaws where they spend time chiseling a monument in the likeness of Vig.

Once complete, they go their separate ways. Vogar returns to the Lonely Mountain to report to Balin about his failure to get the Elven half of the password to the west gate of Moria. At least Balin is pleased to hear water flows out of the mountains into the river: a clear sign the mines of Moria are still workable.

To further honor his brother Vig’s lifelong quest, Vogar labors at the anvil to craft sword and shield for the current King-under-the-Mountain, King Dain II.

Once complete, he joins a trade caravan as guard as long as the merchandize is dwarven ale. “Aye, I’m familiar with the Old East Road. I’ll sit in the lead wagon.” Vogar has outlived a dwarf’s average lifespan (195 years versus ~250 years max). He’s slowed down some…and harder of hearing.

Zim: “I do.” Zim carries his bride Pearl (Took) over the threshold of their hobbit-hole. And for the next 10 years he tries to convince the Shire residents that rangers can be trusted. A carefree life till he receives a message, calling him to Rivendell.


Lorig (173 years old): Returns home to the Lonely Mountain to spread word about the Shadow threat over the Misty Mountains. But the hard-headed dwarves keep their heads buried, “That is their problem.” Thus, the healer spends time teaching his trade as his part to prepare the dwarves for the coming war. He jumps at the opportunity to journey with Balin who returns to the Shire to visit his old friend Bilbo. Giving Lorig the chance to discovery Zim has now settled down with a family.

Mud: (Lower shadow points & hopefully learn a new potion.)
Continued my ranger training with Glorfindel and learned how to walk without leaving any traces (Trackless Steps, Level 9 Wanderer) and my potion brewing training with Elladan and Elrohir.

Over the past couple of adventures, I have witnessed outsiders singing stories of my fellowship’s deeds, something I have dreamed about when I first set out, just a few years ago.  I never thought this day would come.  So, after 3 years in Imladris, Athel (my steed) and I took a trip through the Misty Mountains, into the Mirkwoods, to a place I call home.  (Mud’s despair is that he would not be able to set foot back in Mirkwood unless he made a name for himself).

Met up with some old friends and even got to speak to King Thrandruil about my explorations and was offered a position in his army.  But my King’s distaste for the Dwarves of the realm did not sit well with me and I humbly declined the offer.  In fact, I missed my hairy, drunken, often rude companions.  After a few weeks in the woodlands, that is as much patience as I had, Athel and I headed back to Rivendell for more training and some peace and quiet.

Axel (48 years old): The Rohirrim returns home to start his own family based on his share of the treasure. An estate, family, and a stable of horses to appease the aging man. Till a message from Rivendell restores his youthful zest for adventure.

July  26th, TA2975: Being summoned by Elrond had become normal. Finding some Elves grieving was a surprise. An uncommon sight within the elven realm. And just as surprising, an invite to Lord Elrond’s home library where the found him in company of Gandalf the Grey. “I wish I could say I invited you back to join in our anniversary celebration of our 1st Age victory over the Dark Lord. But these late years foreshadow events that are concerning. Sighting of Barrow-Wights within the Shire, to ones wandering the streets of Bree, and another far east as Weathertop. Which is where our dear ranger friend Cirion was slain by the Wight. Sightings growing further east of the Downs? Is an army forming? Should I be concerned of a threat to Imladris?”

Gandalf spoke up, “I have kept on eye on your little group. You have accomplished much. Such as journeying to Angmar AND back. Most impressive. Which is where I’d like you to return for a little scouting. Look for blackspeech symbols drawn on walls, parchment, or wherever you can find. The same language you heard Mormog speaking to his troll gathering. The language the Witch-King created for his forces but only his leaders actually learned. I am hoping you can find evidence and maybe written spells that I can counter. But be warned, do NOT vocalize whatever you find. To say the words could call forth unholy creations. Stirring the Witch-King and his minions.”

Elrond interrupted, “We will talk again. For now, enjoy our celebration.” You’d think the way Zim attacked the banquet table he was gathering for his entire family. All joined in the feast and wine. Songs and story-telling to liven the spirits. Except Vogar who lamented about the lack of dwarven ale. Till Lindar pointed out the keg, “You actually thought we forgot your taste?”

Lorig found the opportunity to chat with Gandalf, “Years ago we killed the troll Bisbo. And within his lair we found this map of the Barrow-Downs. It actually maps out the names of each of the buried souls.” Gandalf became excited, “They say if you can call out of the name of the Wight, you can actually calm it. Maybe get it to return to his cairn. Or converse to learn what caused it to stir in the first place. This indeed is a great find.”

July 28th: Days to plan their route. Gandalf suggested they swing west of Mount Gram “to a secret ranger camp. Then northeast across the grey-waste to Nan-Gorthrim east of Carn Dûm. The Witch-King purposefully built his ‘home’ away from Angmar. I’m hoping there you will find remnants of his speech.” Zim’s eyes grew wide, “I’ve heard of great treasure to be found!” But Gandalf cautioned, “Only fools would seek treasure. A lure into his traps. No master Hobbit, stick to the plan. Only collect the blackspeech.” 

Aug 1st: [Embark: 15] With hopeful hearts and a clear purpose, they set out for their 2-day journey to the Last-Bridge. Vogar rode his own horse provided by the Elves. Fields of colorful flowers burst into flight of a swarm of butterflies. Birds and insects seem to trumpet their passing. Vogar already asleep-in-the-saddle as he’d traveled this path ad-nauseum with dwarven wagons. [Lookout-18] But the scent of troll dung stirred him from sleep. Mud hot on the tracks as Vogar insisted they remove the threat so near his Trollshaw tribute to Vig. Mithrandir stayed back to watch the group in action: their coordinated tactics of archers and warrior in close-quarters as they closed on the stone-troll hiding just inside its cave. Mithrandir grinned as he watched Vogar lift the severed head “to place at the foot of my brother’s statue.” The head turned to stone once bathed in sunlight…Vogar grunted from the unexpected increase in weight.



Aug 3rd-15th: They turned north after the Last-Bridge for their 160-mile trek to the ranger camp. North thru the barren Lone-Lands dotted with overgrown ruins of old Arnor. Inspiring for most who envisioned the greatness of Arnor. Gloom for Axel who looked upon the ruins as ‘the fleeting nature of man.’ Lands barren as proven by the hunters returning empty-handed, “Cold rations for tonight.” Rain turned the trails to mud. And a blue haze hung over Mount Gram to their east as they trudged onward.

The further north they traveled, the colder and darker the land grew. Sunless overcast. The green wildness of the Lone-Lands turned to grey shrub and stunted trees searching for anchor upon the crags and boulders that defined the desolate waste. As the horses picked their way along the craggy trail thru boulders, Gandalf seemed to focus eastward. Then called out, “Hide!” While most jumped off their horses and sought cover among the gnarled trees, Vogar fell from his mount. No time to run and hide: the dwarf laid still. He didn’t need to have his ear to the ground to feel the tromp of a hundred Orc feet marching east. Close encounter as an Orc scout peeled off sniffing the air and searched. Till it returned to the line that then turned north for maybe a mile before resuming their easterly march.

With the coast finally clear, they began to mount when Gandalf announced, “We are here. Dismount and follow.” He led them thru a maze of boulders. Twists and turns that eventually opened to a secluded glade. “This is as far as I go. Any closer and my presence might be felt. Follow the map. Another 150 miles. I’ll wait 8 weeks for your return. I will cause distractions if necessary. But for now, rest. You’ve a long walk ahead. The land is frozen, cracked, and threatening to ride horseback.”

Aug16th: [Gandalf’s presence] For such a cold night, they all woke refreshed. And with map in hand, departed north-northeast towards the Mountains of Angmar. Across the cold and foreboding Waste Lands. 150 miles they’d be lucky to traverse in 25 days. And 25 days back. Which left barely a week for any delays or time to search.

Days into their trek, near twilight, they were suddenly confronted by a bloody cloaked man pleading for help. “Orc’s attacked my family.” First apprehensive, they soon followed as he led them to the hillmen encampment. Which lay in ruins; razed to the ground eons ago. The man screamed in suffering at the realization his family dead, “We’re too late!” The hillman’s image washed away in the whipping winds. Realization by all it was but a ghostly image from the age of Arnor. And of all people, it was Vogar who knelt to pay homage to their passing.

For the next few days, the path before them was bare ground covered in bone-white ash. Belching from a distant volcano? Its effect was snow-blindness for those who didn’t properly protect their eyes. Most painful and disabling, especially if they encountered any threat. Which they did. A band of Orc! 16 in all from Mount Gram to their southeast. Outnumbered 3-to-1…a fair fight considering their snow-blindness.



Arrows thinned their foe as the Orc charged into melee. Their brutish leader barking orders [Commanding Voice]. Axel and Vogar used their defensive skills to protect their allies in melee as they confronted the Orc. Harrowing minutes as the battle raged. Till Zim carefully aimed for the last Orc engaged with the dwarves and Rohirrim. A bank-shot off of Vogar’s helm right into the Orc’s eye.



Sept 10th: [Arrival] 25 toiling days they’d trudged. Bone-weary. The Mountains of Angmar rose before them, visible those last days. Till they crested a ridge and gazed into a blighted valley, so lifeless and empty. Where stood the distant tower of Nan-Gorthrim, bathed in an icy blue-flame. The desolate tower stood in an icy grip. Its barred windows encased in layers of ice. Fortune the map Gandalf provided showed an entrance at its base. They climbed the interior treacherous staircase 2-abreast. Vogar used his crowbar as an ice-axe to climb the ice-laden stairs then lowered a rope to aid the others. All wary of what awaited them inside the ‘home’ of the Witch-King.


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