MEE-S2E3: Eriador/Nightmares of Angmar (part 3)

MEE-S2E3: the threat of Corruption edged closer!

Otbert (Bill) Beorning Wanderer

Zim (Tony) Hobbit Treasure Hunter…late

Ricfried (Brian) Woodsman Warden

Lorig (Matt) Dwarven Scholar

Mud (Duane) Wood Elf Wanderer

Axel (Geoff) Rohanian Warrior

16 Oct, 2964, 7pm: After driving the lurker back into its cave and plundering its treasure hoard, the group looked for a place to rest. Vogar suggested the cave itself since the goblins feared it. But Ricfried suggested another camp without an immediate threat. Per his ‘Campfire Tales’, injuries were quickly healed.

17 Oct: Back on the trail with another 200 miles to go till Carn Dûm. Within a day they came across a partially collapsed stone-bridge that created a challenge. Mud and Lorig found a tricky pass to cross with consideration for the two horses in tow. Vogar crossed first trailing a rope behind him for others to follow. Followed by Lorig then Ricfried then Mud coaxing his horse across. Axel was not that sure-footed handling his horse. [Disadvantage] Both slipped, shifting a pack of rations on his horse. Luck neither fell.



The next 5 days they journeyed through the mountains and found adequate camps. On the 6th day, Mud (Guide) led them on the leeward side of the mountains. Axel (Lookout) almost too late, heard the echoes and den of gruff voices “Die; you are useless to the Witch-servant of Angmar!” An orc camp! Almost a hundred orc and another hundred goblins with maybe 4 trolls. An orc leader tossed a couple of goblins to the trolls maybe just to humor his troops. Fortune Axle signaled halt in time.  Vogar suggested they remove their armor and cover it to avoid detection as they backed away from the camp. Slowly and quietly, they backed up till they found a safer path around the threat that unfortunately added another half day to their trek.

Another 4 days they forged onward. Finding the nearby mountain range dotted with a couple of caves with piles of bones outside each. Reason and sense enough to avoid the troll hunting ground and bypass it. Onward they forged thru the cold and snowy passes consuming their dwindling rations. That night Vogar suffered another dream about Carn Dûm fully rebuilt with trolls upon the ramparts and steam rising from the forges within. Inward he crept, down halls drawn by the echoing screams of kids being tortured. Human, Dwarven, and Hobbit kids alike being tortured into submission to become another arm of the evil threat. Once again Vogar kicked off his blankets as he awoke to tell his allies about his dream. “We must hurry!”

Onward they plodded with misery and despair clawing at their thoughts as they forced their way through the Grey Waste valley. At least Lorig was able to find herbs to brew some healing salves. And Zim able to shoot a brace of rabbits, which required a hidden campfire to prepare. The threat of goblins all around yet they're growling stomachs even louder.

Another delay as they entered the Frozen Wastelands when their path was blocked by an enormous block of translucent blue ice. With a frozen mannish form within. As they readied a lever and fulcrum to move it off the path, close enough to see, they recognized the horrific shape as a creature corrupted by Morgoth eons ago. [Corruption] Misery and despair as they quickly pushed the block that tumbled and crashed down the side of the mountain shattering both the ice-block and frozen creature. Over the next three days they began to climb the foothills of the Mountains of Angmar. 

31 Oct: The Valley before them was carved and void of trees as part of the defense around Carn Dûm. From their vantage point, they looked upon the gorge carved through the mountain. The narrow stream below rippled with red water as if constantly spilling blood. But Ricfried realized the red came from the leeching of iron deposits. (6) Across the way they gazed upon the sickly, green-colored walls and ruined gates of Carn Dûm, pockmarked with holes left by its invaders eons ago. Yet steam still rose from vents along the walls of the gorge to imply metal forges within were hard at work. [Corruption] They shivered at the visage before them: (4) an ominous bridge spanned the gorge leading to the gates itself. No signs of masonry, as if the bridge grew from the sides of the gorge itself. Great stalactites of ice hung down from the structure, like colossal fangs of an invisible monster. (9) A building to the side of the bridge looked to be an old guard station. (7) To the side of the gates, they saw cave entrances carved into the mountain. 

With the horses secured behind an outcropping of rock, they crept closer. Vogar inspected an old set of stairs (3: on their side of the gorge) slick with ice. A 30-foot drop to the river below. Yet across the way he made out a doorway (2) along the gorge-wall just above the river. With his armor secured in a drop-bag tied to a rope at his waist, Vogar pulled out another rope, secured it among the rocks, and stepped over the edge of the gorge lowering himself toward the river below. One by one his allies and Essylt and Hwalda followed to then face the icy clutches of the river before them. Vogar crossed first, fighting off the icy chill of the water. It was Mud who slipped and fell and yelped as the freezing water seemed to clutch his heart. Axle also faltered as he crossed; his teeth chattering as he was soaking wet and shivering. The threat of hyperthermia urged them on as they quickly discovered how to open the simple goblin lock and entered the passage seeking warmth. A chance to undress, ring out their cloths, before dressing and donning armor before entering the shadowy tunnel.

Only Ricfried, Axle, and the hill-women struggled with the dark; the others had darkvision. With Vogar in the lead, Mud became the guide for the blindmen to hold onto his shoulders. Followed by Zim who led the way for the hill-women. Which meant Lorig brought up the rear. Half speed down the long tunnel till they reached a three-way intersection. Vogar strained to hear the faint sound of children cries coming from the passage straight ahead. Forward they marched with their surroundings ever pressing in on them. Gloom and foreboding ever present as they passed smaller side passages. (13) Soon they seemed to be walking in circles. The cry of the children echoed from all directions. Till Vogar pulled out chalk and began marking the walls.



Only then did they find new passage that led them to a bright area (10). Mud signaled halt when the sound and smell of goblins assaulted his senses. A barracks just to the side. What to do? The blood-rage of Vogar told the others his wishes but reason played out as they tried to sneak past. Tried! It was Mud who unfortunately kicked a stone that clattered and echoed and roused birds from their nest. The Crebain flapped and cawed as they squawked out “Wake up, wake up.” Goblins seem to boil forth from every corner of the mountain interior. Along the paths and along the ceiling they swarmed.

Theater of the Mind: The fellowship was quickly set upon by a blanket of goblins. Blades, axes, hammers and arrows sung as they fought their way through the horde. Knowing hundreds if not thousands more could be on their way. And that was when a bestial scream sounded throughout the mountain belly that caused the goblins to flee. And the fellowship to momentarily faulter in their confidence. But the sound of crying children quickly restored their sense of purpose driving them forward and down a twisting labyrinth of stairs.

Till they finally came upon the prison barracks (11). Before them, human slavers cracked their whips upon the children chained to the floor as an Orc chieftain taunted the prisoners. Goblins surrounded the kids poking and prodding and adding to the torment. The fighters charged the humans and Orc chieftain as the archers engaged the goblins. Vogar rushed into the middle of the slavers who turned their whips upon his dwarven armor. Lorig rushed to the side of his allies who needed healing. No time to dally as they knew more goblins were on the hunt. When the chieftain fell, the remaining goblin fled. But could not outrun Zim’s carefully aimed arrow.

Essylt came forward to free the children and arm them with the goblin weapons. The Hillman children taught at an early age how to fight. Now how to get back? If they backtracked to the river, the children might either be swept away or frozen by the icy water. And would they even cross, knowing the hillmen superstition of water spirits?! It was the dwarf Lorig who used his stonecraft senses to lead the group down more stairs.



But along the way (14), they paused as Essylt recognized the man before them, leading a pack of dogs and 2 hillmen, “Father!?” Heddwyn, implored, “Essylt, my love! I have been calling to you and you have come. Join us as we march across the land and reclaim what is ours.  The eye has promised me power which I can bestow on you.” Hwalda hissed at Heddwyn who once banished her from the village, turning her into an outcast, “Begone you foul traitor.” Try as he might [Persuade and Riddles], Ricfried was unable to sway Essylt who slowed edged toward her father. Which forced Mud to attack her and render her unconscious. Ever concerned that the children might rise up in her defense. Yet they were weak and confused and stood their ground alongside Hwalda as the fellowship moved to confront Heddwyn and his force.

Heddwyn’s eyes filled red with rage as he howled like a bestial animal. Evil and threatening as he conjured icicles that rained down upon his foe. And once more the healer Lorig was called upon to aid his allies as they tried to wade through the dogs and hillmen. Fright keeping them at arm's length from Heddwyn. The twang of arrows at the pack of dogs as blades and hammers rang out against the Hillmen. Till they only faced the sorcerer; fright keeping them at bay. Vogar bound the unconscious Essylt then led the children out as his allies faced off with the fatherly threat. Once Heddwyn was vanquished, Zim entered what must have been personal chambers in search of treasure. Gold and a dwarven helm. Only seconds to grab what they could before joining Vogar exit. 

Lorig took the lead guiding them back thru the chalk-marked maze (13) upwards and eventually out of the abandoned guard house. Gloom all around as the shadowy bridge (4) dared them to cross.

An eerie feeling seemed to block their way. Within their thoughts what must have been the voice of an ancient evil tormenting and stalking them. Indeed, as they stepped upon the threshold of the bridge, a cloaked and shadowy figure wearing a crown stood upon the bridge-tower rampart above them. Those that took time to stare, shuttered in fear at what must surely have been the witch-king of Angmar himself! Vogar seemed to suffer the most. [Shadow 11, Wisdom 14; the threat of Corruption edging ever closer!] They forged thru their fears as they rushed across the bridge that seemed to sway and buck and tried to dump them into the river below. And yet while the effects of the bridge might have just been an illusion, the boil of goblins from the ruins of Carn Dûm was a vision of truth. That spurred them on their hasty retreat with the children in tow.


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