MEE-S4E4: Eriador/Keith's homebrew

MEE-S4E4: Saddle Sore as they Troll for Trouble

June 15th, 2965: Hiraval lay unconscious. Edrahil pressed a cold-wet towel to his forehead, “You’ll be OK father. Our home has been cleansed.” Axel spoke, “It’s not that simple boy. We need to escort him to the rangers at Annúminas. Let the rangers pass judgment on one of their own.” Lorig interrupted, “That can wait till the morning. I’ve treated the wounded best I can. Rest for now and let my healing salves do their thing overnight.” 

Vogar (Bill) Dwarf Warrior… Shadow Weakness2 (Arrogant)

Zim (Tony) Hobbit Treasure Hunter

Ricfried (Brian) Woodsman Warden

Lorig (Matt) Dwarf Scholar, +pony

Mud (Duane) Wood Elf Wanderer, mare Athel

Axel (Geoff) Rohanian Warrior, warhorse Stedrick… Shadow Weakness (Resentful)

June 16th: [Embark-14] Whatever gloom that seemed to have hold of the old manor seemed to wash away with the night’s rain. Sunshine and blooming flowers greeted the fellowship as they swallowed the last bites of breakfast and packed the horses. “As the crow flies, across the mountains is unfamiliar territory. I suggest we get back on the Old East Road and ride west to Bree. Figure which way to go from there.”

The Hobbit lass Fay asked, “Mind if we tag along? Herbert needs to face Elwin’s parents and the Reeve in Bree; tell how he killed Elwin. It would help if you were there to explain how poor Herbert was under the influence of the wight.” Ricfried spoke up, “I still remember the city Reeve, Twyc Greenleaf. Almost 13 years ago we argued for clemency for another. Let us hope his heart hasn’t hardened over the years.” As for the woodsmen, Folulf and Arnulf, they said goodbye as they turned east to head home.



Another 4 days ride to Bree along the Old East Road. Slowed by Fay and Herbert riding their ancient draft-horse. Lorig managed to hunt and find Athelas and moose tracks. Providing a hearty meal of venison. And jerky for Zim’s in-between meals.

June 20th: [Arrival-8] Mid-afternoon when they came upon the open gates to Bree. Sore from days in the saddle but refreshed. Fay said goodbye as she walked with the sullen Herbert towards the Reeve’s office. “I’ll come get you if we need character witnesses.”

It had been a month since they last drank at the Prancing Pony. Young Barliman already had a tray full of mugs ready to follow them to their table. A 7th mug for the thirsty Hobbit. Which earned the boy scorn from Vogar [arrogant], “Two for the little man instead of us dwarves?!” Hilda was already standing behind the dwarf with another tray, “I brought 3 each for you and Lorig as the boy can only carry so much.” Vogar harrumphed as Lorig began drinking, “Scowl longer and I’ll drink yours too.”

Zim took note of the absence of Bill Ferny, “I see your bully learned his lesson.” Meanwhile, Lorig asked around about the ranger Arbarad (Warden of Amon Sûl) and his companion, “Did 2 rangers pass thru here days ago? They came to investigate barrow-wights south of here.” But the locals displayed disdain for rangers, “Aye, they went south. Wights indeed. Excuses to sound important and helpful. Can’t trust them. Good riddance I say.”

All the while, Hiraval sat silent and withdrawn. Probably remorseful for his actions at his manor. Young Edrahil was busy in the stable, tending the horses. No prompting from his father. When he finally entered the Inn, both he and his father silently picked at their dinner plates. Awkward. Neither speaking.

June 21st: [Embark-10] Their path already determined, “North along the Greenway to Fornost then west is longer. I say we ride west along the Old East Road just past the Brandywine River, then turn north cross-country.”

Another 3 days west till they crossed the Brandywine bridge and turned right towards the North Moors. A half-day north of the road when Zim (scout) spotted Elves. Mud (Traditions) recognized their garb as that of Lorien Elves, “They must be making the trek to Mithlond (Grey Havens) to board ship and sail for Valinor.” But Zim was already off Axel’s horse and approached the Elves who sat in a circle singing songs, “Where you going? Sailing? Oh, I’ve never done that before. Mind if I join you?” They paused in their song and smiled, standing for Mud who approached and greeted them in Silvan, “You’ll have to excuse my little friend. He knows not of why nor where you go.”

They spoke to Zim in common, “We avoid civilization. Our time has come to an end within Middle Earth. We sail to Valinor where Elves… retire. Sorry, but only Elves make the trip.” Zim tried to reason their words, “So, Valinor is like a great graveyard for your kind. So sad. May you rest in peace. Too bad you’re missing all the good stuff such as the wight Lorig slay back near Weathertop.” The Elves smiled at the Hobbits’ inference of they ‘missing out’, “We have seen much in our long years. We remember the wars and the curse of the Nazgul and Witch-king. But realize to truly slay a wight, you must burn its corpse to ashes else it can be raised again.”

By now Lorig and the others gathered round, “Why do you Elves leave now? Running from the Shadow won’t rid the world of the evil. The Shadow can follow you to Valinor.” But the Elves countered, “The Maia are too fierce; the Shadow would never come.” They glanced at Mud, “The Elves time within this world is coming to a close. Do you not hear the calling of the seas of Valinor?” As the Elves broke camp and began departing, Zim ran after them, “Wait. Let me teach you a Hobbit Marching song you can preserve in your history.”

The fellowship continued north, past the ruins of an old fort. [WISsave] Axel recognized the stones as of the kingdom of Arnor past. Mud [failure = +2 Shadow] recognized them as lost hope… he began rethinking the prospect of Valinor.

June 27th: Vogar called upon his raven to scout ahead. The bird soon returned squawking its report, “Chip says there are men ahead. Holding arms.” They approached cautiously, expecting an ambush from men wielding weapons. Instead, they found two rangers bandaging each other. Vogar defended his scout, “He reports what he sees. We must interpret from his point-of-view. At least we were prepared.”

Lorig dismounted to lend aid, healing their wounds as they told their story. “We patrolled west of the Shire, near the Tower Hills, north of the dwarven realm in the Blue Mountains. We were set upon by trolls; we barely escaped. One of the trolls was Bosbo whom we’ve chased for almost a century. That Cave-Troll was the smallest of the three but his bones… he was able to bewitch bones that clubbed us.

Then there was Bloodstump: an infamous Hill-Troll who killed our Chieftain Arador some 35 years ago, up in the Coldfells north of Rivendell. As for the 3rd troll, I’ve never seen his kind before. Huge brute!”

Ricfried realized, “14 years ago! We encountered Bosbo in the South Downs. Made a trade deal with him. I almost peed my pants standing before his cave entrance as he sat in the shadows gnawing bones he then tossed onto a pile.” (Vogar had no idea what the woodsman was saying. Before his time with the group.) Axel added, “From your description, the brute sounds like the one they called Mormog, up in the Ettenmoors. He was orchestrating the tunnels around Eriador that you rangers were tasked to find and destroy. Could there be tunnels as far as the Blue Mountains?!”

Vogar added his own thoughts, “You need to report to your bosses in Annúminas. Take this ranger father/son off our hands so we can scout out these trolls.” Axel was caught off-guard by the dwarf’s solid reasoning, “Wasn’t your brother Vig from the Blue Mountains? It would be fitting to slay your brother’s killer near his home.” Mud plotted their path, “We need to head back to the Old East Road and journey west thru Hobbiton and Michel Delving.” Vogar settled in the saddle behind Ricfried, “I know THAT road too well. Many a wagon trip back and forth to the Blue Mountains, paying off debt to that merchant Mirabar. Same road continues west to the Grey Havens those Elves spoke of.”


 Michel Delving

Days to get back to the road, then more days traveling west thru the Shire. Zim reminded all, “Non-Hobbits are allowed on the road but discouraged from straying off.” Zim led the way, riding with Axel. A now familiar sighting within the Shire. As the group neared Hobbiton, workers in the field spotted the Hobbit, “Come rest a spell and share in our shrooms.” Axel may have been in front but he was along for the ride as Zim spurred the horse forward, “5th meal.” Soon Zim was sharing his ‘Old Toby’ weed as all the Hobbits laid propped against tree-trunks, blowing smoke-rings and telling stories. Little prompting to get Zim re-telling the Fornost story, complete with his performing the Green Company Marching tune.

Hours lost till Ricfried realized the ‘quicksand’… Hobbits exchanging stories is never-ending. Axel had to literally lift Zim back up on his horse Stedrick. Zim never broke cadence of his story, raising his voice as the distance expanded. “But we were just about to start 7th breakfast.”

July 3rd: They had settled into an easy ride thru Michel Delving, enjoying the sights and sounds. Till approaching hoofbeats drew their attention. Distraction when Ricfried at the rear of the group, gasp in pain. All glanced back to see him clutching his shoulder, nursing an old wound. His morgul wound. Vogar, sitting behind Ricfried, glanced ahead at the approaching rider (Perception-natural 20): he spotted the all-black rider shimmering with an unholy aura, “NAZGUL!”

Mud spun around to face the threat. Frozen in fear, the elf could only listen as the rider taunted, “Imladrisss. Imladrisss.” All seemed frozen in fear and time as the rider passed Ricfried who now winced in terrible pain. And just as suddenly, the rider was gone. Everyone reacted with shock when the sound of birds and insects returned. Vogar immediately whistled for his raven, “Seek out elves near the last bridge. Tell them a Nazgul approaches.” The dwarf could only hope the raven flew faster than the spectre rode. A long journey for both. But then, what could Lord Elrond and his elves do?

Zim found a secure campsite. The watch-order set, minus Ricfried who still needed to recover from the stress and strain of the day. It was during 3rd watch, with Lorig and Mud awake, that an eerie shape flew overhead. Blotting out the full moon. Years ago they had witnessed something similar, “At least it didn’t screech and wake the others. We can tell them in the morning.”

July 5th: As they neared the Tower Hills, they began searching [Track-failures] for signs of the trolls. Exhausting days of fruitless search. At least Lorig had Athelas to boil to remove the exhaustion. On the 3rd day [natural 20], Lorig spotted a pile of recently gnawed bones. They quickly found 3 distinct troll tracks.

All dismounted as they tried to sneak closer (thru the field of discarded bones) to the trio of trolls on the shadow-side of a hill. “Snap!” So much for stealth. Mormog and Bloodstump turned to face their guests, “Meat’s on the table!”

Hiding in the trees, Zim loosed an arrow that ricocheted off Mormog’s armor. The dwarves advanced as Axel fired 2 arrows that caused Mormog to flinch. Mud’s arrows also found their mark. From the rear, the smaller troll Bosbo chanted: bones rose from the field and ricocheted off the allies. With a nasty-looking black mace, Bloodstump stepped up to Axel and swung. The Rohirrim was forced back a step from the impact. Mormog closed on the dwarves as more arrows vibrated thru the air toward their targets. Vogar’s Warhammer clanged off Mormog’s armor as Lorig’s swing only dislodged a human torso from Bloodstumps’ armor (overlaid enemy armor, some with body parts still attached).

Axel was able to land 3 solid hits [39 damage] before Bloodstump returned the favor [56 damage]. And that’s when more flying bones found their mark: Lorig, Vogar, and Ricfried were knocked prone. Zim concentrated his arrows against the spell-caster Bosbo. At least Lorig was knocked back enough such that he could crawl to Axel’s aid to heal him during the fight. Enough so, that the Rohirrim squared off with Bloodstump: one final swing dropped the troll. Vogar wasn’t so lucky. He stood in the path of Mormog’s swing. Whether the dwarf fell from wounds or cowered in fear was to play out.

Bosbo stepped in to replace Bloodstump, attacking Axel. Mormog thirsted with lust at the prone dwarf before him as he pummeled his foe [Vogar down to 1 HP]. As the trolls became pincushions to more arrows, Vogar tried to crawl away in fear. Mormog dropped him in his knee-tracks: the dwarf was bleeding out. And to add insult to injury: Zim’s arrow found its mark, dropping Mormog… who fell on-top of Vogar… “Uumph!”

It took a combined effort to drop Bosbo (who fell to Zim’s arrow) that allowed Lorig to rush to Vogar’s side. Stabilizing him enough that the dwarf resumed his crawling away in fright. Till Lorig cured that too.

Zim held up a scroll he recovered from Mormog, “Anyone read blackspeech?” Lorig made out a few words, “Rivendell, exterminate.” Meanwhile, Axel showed off a key pulled from Bosbo’s pouch, “Anyone care to revisit the troll’s lair down in the South Downs where we first encountered him? I’m guessing this a key to his treasure chest.”

They spent 2 days camped at the battle site, nursing their wounds. To then begin their slow ride east towards Rivendell. “Do you think Lord Elrond vanquished that Nazgul?”

It would be another 10 years before the fellowship rode together again. One can only wonder what they did to bide their time. Another decade for the Elf to ignore the call of the sea and any thoughts of Valinor. Another decade to slow the aging Vogar, now 204 years old. Another decade for Zim to perfect the Green Company marching song. Another decade for the Rohirrim to TRY to keep the Hobbit out of trouble. And for Lorig to expand his medical expertise. What became of the woodsman Ricfried? Did he return home to check upon Dol Guldur? 


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