MEE-S1: Breeland/Fellowship2951

 Otbert the Beorning

After buying newer armor, with most coins concerted to silver/copper, Otbert gave 3 gold coins to Hilda at the Prancing Pony Inn. “Do not flash it for it will only attract thieves and beggars. Spend sparingly if you must but as copper coins. Too many eyes know your meager lifestyle and will become suspicious if you start dealing in silver. But if times get desperate, it is there for you. Barnabas is wise and trustful. He can probably better advise you.” 

Before leaving Bree, he took Hilda into the woods to the north to show her his beehive and teach her how to harvest the honey. “Sell at the inn or add to your cakes. And maybe when I return, Barnabas will be kind enough to give me free-room-n-board while I’m there.” 



Otbert remembered the chance encounter of the ranger who entered their camp and spoke to Mud. Haleth. She seemed to know much of the troll Bosbo. And later Terry Mac said he was employed by her. So, reason suggested other rangers up around Lake Evendim might have knowledge of Bosbo. Then again, the troll was not as great a Shadow threat Otbert sought. Besides, the ranger Terry Mac would coordinate the troll hunt next spring. Therefore, Otbert spend the next fall and winter with the rangers of Lake Evendim asking (Research Lore) about any growing Shadow presence around the Shire or westward even toward The Forsaken Inn.

Otbert learns: The Shire is safe but there are more people arriving from the if drawn to something.

He went on many hunts with then and thus sought their help craft what he called ‘screaming arrows’. The arrowhead hollowed with channels then caked with dried mud. As the arrow flew it naturally wobbled which loosened the mud allowing air to ‘sing’ thru the channels. Far enough down flight to not give his position away. The scream sounding maybe like that they heard in camp traveling south to the troll? At least, hawkish. Enough to flush birds from nearby trees. And maybe, ‘Intimidate’ his target?


Zim travelled with Axel east thru Eregion then south toward Rohan.  He practiced his skills, enjoyed a few good ales, and would often practice with Axel.  The two fight well as a team, Axel’s protective skills blending well with Zim’s ability to hide behind Axel and strike with precision and surprise when the enemy isn’t expecting it.  Zim often has interesting dreams that sometimes provide him insight into people he may encounter or other forebodings of things to come.  During his travels, he had dreams of some type of magical treasures that had been in an area he and Axel passed through that he saw coming into their future.  Try as he could, he couldn’t gleam further insight.  Perhaps those were dreams yet to be had.


Axel had hoped his return home to Rohan would provide relaxation and focus. To get his mind off of the veiled hint of evil and the stain of Shadow (i.e. Heal Corruption). And while he joined ranks to fulfill many guard and patrol duties, having to bailout his companion proved too much distraction (i.e. failed Insight DC13). Such that the next Spring saw him still burdened with the Shadow stain but at least comforted wearing his heavier armor.


After the agreement with the troll and successful treasure hunt, I decided to journey through Mirkwood and on to Lake Town to buy some gear and learn more about the Rangers and tactics on fighting trolls.  During my fellowship, I was not able to glean much about the Rangers other than not to trust them and try to fight trolls during the day.  However, I was successful in obtaining extra spices, better armor, and a horse to help me carry gear and fast travel. 

Made many friends and few enemies during my year in Lake Town.  Time flew by, it felt as though only a week past, I loaded up my gear, packed extra lembas bread, then journeyed back to Bree for another adventure.


Lorig had seen enough dwarves passing thru Bree on their way back to their home in the Blue Mts. Which encouraged him too to travel west but to Ered Luin. Where he too hoped to gain knowledge (i.e. Research Lore) about a cure for his brother’s ailment. He studied and asked about Goblin poisons and eventually learned about the potential of Shadow-Thorn as a healing agent.

As he toured a dwarven blacksmith shop for new armor, he asked the local fighters what they knew of trolls, “Long-range shots are best. Up close and they can wallop you good. Saw one sweep 3 men in just one backhand. Poor Finias crushed his helmet against a boulder.”


Ricfried followed Mud across the Misty Mts before they parted company at the old Ford Bridge. Where Ricfried turned south toward Rosgobal where Radagast lived. 

Not sure what the woodsman did there other than trying to get his dreams interpreted.



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