MEE-S1E4: Breeland/Strange Men, Strange Roads (part 2)

MEE-S1E4: What makes them so high?

Otbert (Bill) Beorning Wanderer

Mirabar – merchant owner

Zim (Tony) Hobbit Treasure Hunter

Ederic - foreman

Ricfried (Brian) Woodsman Warden...absent

Eoin – young Bree apprentice

Lorig (Matt) Dwarven Scholar

Hirlinon and Berelas – brother and sister

Mud (Duane) Wood Elf Wanderer

Dwarves – Vig, scarred brother Vogar, and sons Navig and Narvi

Axel (Geoff) Rohanian Warrior

April 28, 2952: As Lorig tended Otbert’s wounds, Mud and Axel approached the dead wolves to determine their kind. “Have you ever heard of wolves attacking an active camp with lit campfires? Strange.” Mud approached the other members of the caravan to notice the merchant Mirabar visibly shaken. Ederic explained, “That’s why he hires guards. Wild beasts and ranger attacks.” Mud noticed the dwarves already skinning the wolves for winter pelts and thus happened to notice one wolf carcass with ice on its fur, “Hey guys, I think that wraith might have been part of the attack! Can wraiths command wild beasts?!” His comment prompted Otbert to use his ‘Dark Foreboding’ to sense danger, “There’s a faint aura from the north. Whatever it was has departed.”

Berelas spoke up, “Ice? Could these be winter wolves from the north?” Axel scoffed at the idea as he inspected the icy wolf and found stab wounds too. He turned to find young Eoin cleaning his dagger. And in his squeaky voice exclaimed, “That was my kill. Ederic taught me well.” Axel probed, “Was the wolf cold as you attacked? No? Did you see a ghostly figure around the wolf? Then consider yourself lucky.” And that’s when Berelas approached to whisper, “Don’t tell the boy but actually that was Hirlinon’s kill. I think Eoin was just trying to impress me and thus drove his blade into the dead.”

The sweet scent of cooking meat turned all back to the campfire where Zim was already hanging wolf meat over the flames, “Nothing like a good fight to make you hungry.” Axel added, “Breathing makes you hungry Hobbit. But yes, a full belly before watch is good.”

April 29, 5am: Once again Zim’s cooking stirred the camp into action. Ederic cracked the whip, “Stuff it boys, wheels turning in 30 minutes.” Indeed, the 4 carts headed west as the guards walked beside them as Mirabar rode on the lead cart. Suspicion had Mud walking as rear guard so he could better keep watch on the caravan crew. Axel and Zim rode beside the carts finding opportunities to approach individuals for idle chatter. Lorig sought out the elder dwarf Vig, “So will your debt be paid upon completion? What are your plans after?” But Vig was despondent, “I had dreams of opening a shop. Nay, we have many trips to guard before the debt paid. But it was worth it as Mirabar DID sell us healing herbs (Kingsfoil) to cure Vogar as best possible. Did you see him in action?! He slay 3 of those wolves himself.”

As the carts slowly rumbled along, Axel angled his horse closer to the human siblings walking beside Hirlinon’s cart full of healing supplies. A hopeful chance to overhear their talk. But instead he and Zim drew Berelas’ eye, “Greetings fair Rohanian. I see your horse faired well against last night’s threat. Battle hardened? I see she didn’t panic and run. Those beasts were nothing compared to what I faced growing up in Mirkwood. Not that I’m a fighter; my brother protects me.” Axel realized she actually knew about Rohan, “You must be well traveled to know of my homeland.” To which she replied, “My brother. He has traveled to Gondor and thus your lands. As for me…I was… detained for awhile. But that is part of my life I care not to remember or talk about.”

All the while Hirlinon was silent except for the occasional grunt at Zim caught eyeing his cart, “Nothing free or yours on that cart Mr. Hobbit. Which reminds me to take inventory on our next stop.” Around the same time, Otbert talked to Eoin, “So, what got you to join up? Another one in debt?” Eoin took offense, “I’m Ederic’s apprentice if you must know. I signed on in Bree as the empty carts headed east to the Red-Horn Gate to pick up the spices. Where we also picked up the lady and her brother and those dwarves.”

It was just the slightest movement that caught his eye. Mud tried to use his peripheral vision to see more. Must be elves. And from what little he saw, high elves shadowing the caravan. Mud tried not to be obvious in his sighting. But when The Rohan rode by, he managed to whisper his sighting…only after sternly eyeing the hobbit, “DON’T look around when I say…we are being shadowed by a high elves. No threat. I’ll try to slip away later to find out what they want.” Zim was fidgeting as he sat behind Axel on the horse…fighting the urge to look. “But I’ve never seen a high elf. Are they taller? Their ears longer? What makes them so high? Do they smoke hobbit-weed?”

Midday brought a halt for lunch and to brush and feed the horses. A good distraction that kept Zim occupied. And gave Lorig chance to approach Vig and Vogar, “I’m wise in medicine. May I inspect your wounds? I must say, for the wound inflicted by the goblins, Hirlinon treated you well.” As Vig smiled, Vogar spoke up, “I know Thorin. We journey to join him again.” Mud used the others’ distractions to slip away, “Axel, care to go for a ride?” Well out of sight of the camp, Axel suddenly reached into the air and snagged an apple flying toward his face. And another.

Laughter before the elves stepped out of the shadows, “Well met distant cousin. What brings you to join this caravan? We journey to Grey Haven but were drawn to your caravan. Someone in your company carries treasure gathered in Eregion. From a past age. Tainted. A trap. Beware and be warned as it will attract other evil.” Mud spoke up, “Days ago we found a frosted dagger and a frozen ranger named Mallor down a well. We surmised a wraith.” Cenedrilel nodded, “Mallor was well known and a true friend of the elves. Burying him in the forest was proper traditions. As for a wraith, shadow of a soul called forth. If you encounter one, wraiths fear fire. Normal weapons are useless. But we tarry too long. Valinor calls.” Departing salutations, the elves climbed into the tree canopy and were quickly gone. Leaving Axel eating one apple as he caught another thrown his way. Fading laughter.

They returned in time to find the carts already on the road. Axel tossed the apple to Zim, “Fourth meal.” Mud and Axel found opportunities to tell their companions of the warning. Which got everyone on edge. Such that at dusk, as they camped just south of the Chetwoods, Otbert paused to sense any ‘foreboding’ aura. None. Maybe the tainted treasure had to be activated. He’d heard of such triggers on magical items. Still, the Beorning put out his tripwire alarm.

As for Lorig, once again, he chatted with his brother dwarves. Navig was excited, “I’m a brew-master. Been experimenting…trying to find the right depth and stoutness that’s tasty for us dwarves but not humans.” Narvi interrupted, “Face it, you won’t be brewing nor I mining till the debt paid. This is our 4th trip for that greedy merchant.” Now Vig spoke up, “I told you it’s my debt for my brother. You are free to live your own life.” Which shut up the younger dwarves as they gazed at Vogar and his scars.

A quarter moon was just enough darkness that allowed Zim to sneak among the carts looking under the tarps. Treasure to be found, he hoped. Spices in the merchant carts, medical supplies in Hirlinon’s, and dwarven crafted ware in the longbeard’s cart. Nothing out of the ordinary as he pondered, “Must be on their person.” Meanwhile, Otbert found Eoin once again, “So tell me. As you traveled thru Eregion east or westbound, did you happen to camp near those ruins along the roads? Anyone go searching for treasure?” Dead-end topic. As for Mud, while on 1st watch, he caught sight of Hirlinon fiddling with an amulet about his neck. Something to pursue later.

April 30, 5am: Everyone was waken by a joyous Ederic, “Up and at it for tonight we sleep in real beds. I can already taste that ale ole Butterburr will pour for me.” More conversations as they plodded along the ‘Great Road’ toward Bree. Asked their destination, Berelas offered, “The Greenway North. There are outposts where warriors always need healing.” A known land of Otbert, the Beorning knew their tale false as there are no outputs north along that road. Suspicions grew. Meanwhile, Mud pulled out the amulet retrieved from Mallor’s backpack as he spoke to Hirlinon, “I couldn’t help but notice your necklace. Is it magical like mine?” Hirlinon displayed his, “A gift from my wife. Personal. Excuse me, I need to tend to my cart. I lost sight of that sneaky hobbit.” Displayed long enough for Mud [Perception- natural 20] to realize it the same size and color as the one he held. More reason to question the character of this supposed healer.

10am: Mirabar had to pull the reins tights “Halt I said” as a young crying girl suddenly appeared before his lead cart. “Excuse me sir. Have you a healer? My mother Rose is sick. Seriously. Dying. PLEASE, come quick.” Mirabar was about to urge the horse forward till Berelas spoke up, “My brother and I can help. What’s your name little one? Violet Rushlight? Come girl, show us the way.” It became a trail of lemmings as first Zim swatted the horse to prod her to follow which meant Axel too was following. Then Mud, followed by Lorig, with a reluctant Otbert bringing up the rear. Leaving Ederic to call out, “Find. It’s not like you were hired hands.” He didn’t notice Eoin soon to join the line.

They walked a well-worn path for a few miles north before coming to a farm with a small thatched-roof cottage. Axel and Otbert stayed outside as everyone else entered. Even though Berelas was the original to offer help, Lorig stepped up to the mother’s bed. Fever, chills, weakness were the first signs. Lorig checked her armpits and confirmed swollen and tender lymph glands. “I’m sorry child but there is nothing I can do. She has the plague.” Rose’s eyes fluttered as she spoke with a weak voice, “That’s OK Violet. I’ll be joining your father soon. You can visit us both…although more bodies have been missing from the cemetery lately.”

And that’s when Hirlinon stepped forward, “Rose, have you any gold or coins? I have medicine to heal you.” Which brought condemnation from Zim who dug into his pouch throwing coins at the shaman’s feet, “Heal her if you can.” [Did it matter that Zim had been ‘collecting’ the coins from Hirlinon’s and the others unwatched purses?] Lorig was even more contemptuous, “I didn’t come here to watch you pedal your snake-oil.” And that’s when Berelas stepped forward, “Start a fire and grab blankets. I will heal her for free. Don’t just stand there…firewood and fire…NOW!”

Noon: The others stood back and watched as Berelas bend over the dying woman. Only Zim was in position to see her display a 7-jeweled ring on her right-middle-finger and touch Rose. No glow or ray of sunshine. But all soon saw the plague sores start to heal. The flush of Rose’s face ebbing away to be replaced with rosy cheeks. But that’s when all heard their fellow companions outside scream out, “Whatever you did in there, the wraith has appeared!” Axel rushed in to grab a burning log before exiting to confront the specter. Otbert stood dumbfounded as he expected the Rohan to bring him one too.

Soon, everyone except Otbert was outside with some form of fire. And except Berelas and Hirlinon who remained inside, “We’ll protect the mother and child.” Mud, Axel, and Lorig swung the fiery logs while Zim shot flaming-arrows. The wraith closed on Mud and slashed with its claws: Mud collapsed paralyzed. Which allowed Otbert to pick up the fiery log and join the fight. And that’s when Lorig remembered his magical Axe (treasure from the Midgewater Marsh chest). The specter howled in pain and now focused on the dwarf as its target. All noticed fire hits or the axe seemed to hinder the wraith’s attacks (Disadvantage).

A string of bad-luck misses allowed the wraith to rage on with solid hits. Soon Lorig had to defend himself in order to heal himself. The best weapon against the wraith idle. At least Mud began to stir as he fought off the paralysis. Slow movement as he was almost chilled-to-the-bone. And that’s when the wraith howled, which frightened most [WIS save failure]. Yet despite his frightened state (Disadvantage), Axel managed the fatal blows…two hits! The specter banished.

All entered the cottage to confront Berelas. Zim asked, “What did you do? Using that ring summoned the wraith.” Berelas seemed unconcerned, “I saved the woman. And I had you build a fire. Had you stayed inside; no-one would have been threatened.” Lorig spoke up, “So why was the ranger killed?” Now Hirlinon spoke up, “He attacked her. She defended herself. Now get out of our way as we have business to the north.” But his attempt to push past the dwarf failed as he ran into the solid-wall-of-a-man. Zim spoke up, “You charlatan. You wanted to fleece the mother.”

And that’s when all heard a pop outside. Axel was ready to rush out the door to face another wraith if necessary, till Otbert spoke, “A cheap carny trick. No one is out there. Now you Berelas remove that ring else I remove your finger along with it.” But Berelas defended her actions, “I was sent on a quest to find it so that I could fight the Shadow. I am no different than you. What matters if a few worthless lives have to be sacrificed?” Now Lorig repeated Otbert’s words, “You remove it, or we remove it. Your choice.” Berelas sighed as she pulled out her dagger, “Sad that it has come to this.”

Another battle before all were healed. Hirlinon faced off against the dwarf with his double-blades restoring the dwarf’s wounds once healed. Berelas cast at Otbert (WIS save-22) who weathered the blast of Lethargy. Axel stepped forward to impose himself as defender. And Zim slipped past Berelas trying but failing to grab her ring. Otbert saw no evil of the woman; so, he tried to use the flat of his axe to subdue her. If only he could hit. But there were enough swings and movement that allowed Zim to once more slip beside Berelas and remove her ring before darting away.

Berelas must have bonded with the ring because she quickly realized its absence and thus location. Of course, Zim yelling out, “I got it” also guided her. Berelas and Hirlinon swung with more determination. And the fellowship countered their attacks. Maybe that was when the hobbit put on the ring. Berelas suddenly confused. Which allowed Otbert to smack her beside the head. She dropped unconscious. Distraction that caused Hirlinon to drop his guard allowing Axel to swing a subduing hit. “Tie them up.” Yet inspection of Hirlinon proved him dead. Lorig stepped forward to examine, “Smells of poison. He must have expected death and wanted it to come quickly. I’ve heard of assassins who had a hollow tooth filled with poison. Why so fatalistic?”

The fellowship now turned their attention to the hobbit, “Zim, not you too. Take off the ring. We don’t want to repeat our actions.” Zim now confused with power surging thru him, “But I’m so much more capable with the ring. Let’s discuss it as we get back to the caravan.” Mud interjected, “Not going anywhere till you take it off. The high elves told us it is tainted with evil and corrupting. Save yourself now and save us the heartache of having to ‘convince’ you to remove it.”

Fortunately, Zim had not worn it long enough for the ring to gain full control. Dejectedly he removed it as they walked back to the road. “What’s that over there?” Sadly, they came upon Eoin who had followed them. He laid prone and frozen. The wraith must have passed thru his body as it came for them at the cottage. “Gather his body for we need to return him to his mother’s arm in Bree. Does anyone know his last name?”


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