MEE-S1E5: Breeland/Strange Men, Strange Roads (part 3)

MEE-S1E5: Agents of Dol Guldur

Otbert (Bill) Beorning Wanderer

Zim (Tony) Hobbit Treasure Hunter...absent

Ricfried (Brian) Woodsman Warden

Lorig (Matt) Dwarven Scholar

Mud (Duane) Wood Elf Wanderer

Axel (Geoff) Rohanian Warrior

April 30, 2952: As Otbert tied up Berelas, Zim reluctantly removed the ring and handed it over to Mud who wrapped it in an envelope. “OK, now what? I say short rest before we wake the woman to interrogate.” As they rested with Lorig bandaging the wounded as best he could, Ricfried told inspiring ‘Campfire Tales’ that helped restore everyone’s health. Mud asked, “Think she’ll be more cooperative if we lie and say her brother is OK but separated?” Axel thought otherwise, “The truth.”

Lorig treated her wounds and poured water down her throat. Berelas woke confused but then gathered her vision and senses, “I see Mordor has far reach to ensnare Hobbits and Elves too in its evil plans. Do not try to fool me with your false claims of fighting against the shadow. I’ve learned much over my years of captivity how the shadow tricks thru forked tongues. Gorlanc warned me about your kind.” Ricfried tried to reason with her, “You claim you fight against the shadow, yet YOU are responsible for young Eoin’s death.” No remorse as Berelas reasoned, “Had I known he followed, I would have taken him inside by the large fire and safe from the wraith. The same fire that would have protected you. Do not blame me for his and your ignorance.”

Axel fumed, “Ignorance? You could have warned us about the wraith and the ring connection.” Mud interceded with more diplomacy, “How is Gorlanc connected to the ring?” Berelas spoke with confidence, “I am not afraid of torture. I’ve survived the dungeons of Dol-Guldur and the necromancer himself. Once freed, Gorlanc quested me to find the ring for the war against Mordor. I found it in a great ancient battle graveyard within Eregion. Now my brother guides me to others who side with Gorlanc.” Axel spoke up, “I remember the tales of prisoners freed from that evil keep. You must have suffered much to be one of them.” As Axel knelt to untie her, Otbert asked, “What can we do to show you we too fight against the Shadow?”

Ricfried spoke, “I grew up around the Mirkwoods. And have spoken with Radagast who told me much about Dol-Guldur and its past. How the White Council attacked it, and Sauron, not yet powerful enough to challenge them, fled to Mordor. How it is now cleansed. But tell me, I noticed your brother wore a similar necklace amulet to this one we found in the ranger’s backpack. What can you tell us about them?” When Ricfried handed her the necklace, Berelas exclaimed, “That’s mine! It’s a signet of Gorlanc for those who stand against Mordor.” It was obvious Berelas was now confused by the words and actions shown. Their concern of her as a prisoner. Now the return of her necklace and to be untied further changed her mind. 

“Gorlanc taught me how to control the ring and unburden my mind. Now that it bound to me, how the wraith too is bound and pursues me when I use the ring. Hirlinon is not my brother. Rather, he leads me north to Gorlanc’s fortress south of Fornost where there is supposedly 100 men who fight at his side. Where I am supposed to give him the ring.” Now Otbert offered insight, “I know the lands you speak of yet know not any fortress around Fornost. But tell me, why did Gorlanc have you find the ring? Do you not question why he’d let the wraith be bound to you before he took ownership?” Now Berelas questioned the logic and slowly began to doubt Gorlanc’s truth.

Mud broke camp, “We’ve tarried too long. Let us join the caravan and journey to Bree where the city Reeve can decide your fate, considering you caused the death of the Breelander Eoin. What say you Berelas?” She openly fell in line accepting her fate. Otbert said goodbye to the Rushlights leaving behind rations and some nourishing honey-cakes. After burying Hirlinon, they soon caught up to the caravan bringing along the frozen body of Eoin. Edoric welcomed their return but was dejected at the news of the boy. “Eoin Appledore was my apprentice. It is I who will deliver his body to his family. As for HER, yes, let the Reeve pass judgment.”

It was already dusk when the carts passed thru the gates of Bree. Villagers had heard the lumbering carts approach and were already swarming around the dwarven carts as they pulled up to the Prancing Pony Inn. Otbert and Axel helped unhook the horses and led them to the stable while the dwarves opened their carts for business. Lorig licked his lips in anticipation, “What say we lift a pint or two before we escort Berelas to the City Hall?” As Mud wiped the mud from his boots before entering, he noticed men gathered around the corner eyeing the carts. “The carts have attracted more than customers.” Ricfried too caught sight of something… the merchant Mirabar arguing with the dwarves who reluctantly handed over gold from their current sales.



As the others entered the tavern, Otbert stayed outside in the shadows to observe the men Mud spoke of. And that’s when one man stepped to the side revealing a shorter man…the dwarf Gror! Who had tried to rob them at the Midgewater Marsh barrow! Otbert watched as they rounded the corner toward the stables. He was just about to enter the tavern to warn the others when an unnatural chill rushed over him. He turned just in time to spy the Wraith! Otbert quickly stepped inside to warn, “The Wraith is here. Mud, take your possession out the side to draw it away from these good folks.”

Mud sprang to his feet and exited hoping to gain his horse for a fast escape. Lorig was up and headed for the kitchen to get a cup of larder. Axel grabbed 2 torches and exited the front after handing one to Otbert. What they hadn’t anticipated was the Wraith drawn to the ring and thus turned to round the corner to confront Mud. What Otbert had failed to pass along was Gror and his brigands gathered at the stable.



Mud recognized Gror and quickly reasoned to hand the ring to them (“I think you dropped this”) to draw the wrath of the Wraith. Except the brigands attacked first, forcing Mud to drop the ring (inside the envelope) at their feet as he quickly drew his blade to defend. Overwhelmed, he couldn’t parry them all and thus took wounds. Meanwhile, Ricfried dipped his arrows in the grease Lorig provided, lit them, and was about to rush out the front when he heard the commotion to the side. He exited, surprised to see the Wraith AND the thugs. He fired at his original target. The arrowed passed thru the specter yet the flames left behind danced across it’s outline.

A pitched battle on two fronts. Deal with the Wraith or save Mud? Axel rounded the corner and whistled for his horse who charged out the stable to hoof a brigand while the Rohan shot an arrow (miss). Mud used the opportunity to jump upon the horse and spur it away from the brigands who swung at their departing foe. Otbert swung his torch at the specter knowing fire hindered its attacks. And that’s when Lorig charged out of the inn with his flaming-grease-fire magical axe to attack the Wraith.

With all the fires illuminating the scene, 3 of the brigands finally spotted the specter and fled in fear. Leaving one brigand and Gror to gang up on the Beorning. The bad news and the good news. Outnumbered, Otbert fell. But in so doing, gave line-of-sight for Mud and Ricfried to shoot over the prone body, wounding the brigand. But as Lorig knelt to heal his ally, Gror pummeled him with his Warhammer. The dwarf was down as Otbert’s eyes fluttered open. Axel, Ricfried, and Mud all wounded the Wraith.

And with Otbert prone, he grabbed the dwarf’s dropped magical axe and swung at the specter’s legs. The Wraith dissipated. But Otbert was exposed to the brigand and Gror standing over him. Easy hits which dropped the Beorning again. His allies fought hard against the well-armored brigand and dwarf leader who dealt severe wounds. Forcing Axel to call upon his ‘2nd wind’ to withstand their assault. Invigorated, the Rohan meted the death blow against the brigand. And yet Gror fought on, nearly dealing Axel a fatal wound (down to 1HP). Till Ricfried sank the final arrow that toppled the stout dwarf.

Mud jumped off the horse to then pick up the discarded ring while the others tended to their unconscious allies. Lorig’s wounds bound to then awake then heal Otbert. Learning the City Guards had been dealing with other brigands around town. Axel bent down to pluck a necklace from Gror along with his warhammer and 10 gold. As they all re-entered the Prancing Pony, Axel showed the necklace to Berelas. “Got this off the dwarf who attacked us in the barrows last year. I don’t think Gorlanc and his men are as honorable as you’ve been led to believe.”

Berelas accepted the news, “I am ready to face the city Reeve for judgment, but you must realize the Wraith will continue to pursue the ring.” Otbert spoke up, “It’s been a long night. I say turn in for a long rest then seek the Reeve in the morning. Berelas offered, “Lend me coin and I’ll buy the rounds to drink to that.” Laughter broke out.

May 1st: Ricfried was the spokesman for Berelas’ defense as they faced the court recorder. “What are you arguing for, clemency or punishment?” It took all of them joining efforts to sway the city Reeve, Twyc Greenleaf. Ricfried tried to Persuade (10), Otbert reasoned Insight of Law (11), Mud argued against the influence of the corrupt Gorlanc (Riddle 13), and Lorig revealed her healing intents with the ring (Medicine 11). Twyc declared, “We knew Terry Mac the ranger a good man. We’ll hand her over to the rangers when they enter town. Till then, she will be under servitude of Eoin Appledore’s family.” The court recorder announced, “The Reeve has spoken. So be it. This trial is closed.” Berelas accepted her fate with a smile on her face.

Mud turned their attention to another matter, “Now what about the ring?” Axel suggested throwing it into the river. Otbert thought to take it to the rangers at Lake Everdim. Ricfried and Lorig pondered how to destroy it. Mud thought, “Let’s ask Zim to find Bilbo to help find Rivendell. The high elves would know what to do with it.”

That night Otbert entered his dream-state to quickly travel north up the Greenway toward Fornost. Hoping to either encounter a ranger or find the hidden fortress of Gorlanc. Luck that Otbert the bear encountered Haleth, the ranger who entered their night camp last year. She drew her bow then paused as she watched the bear paw at the ground. She approached to see it had scrawled “Bree ring.” She acknowledged, “You must be Otbert the Beorning I’ve heard of. I will be there in 3 days.”

May 2nd: Otbert told the others of his encounter. Over the next few days, the townfolk drew restless of the fellowship. They knew not about the ring, but something bothered them. Even Barnabas Butterburr asked, “Sure you don’t need to patrol or something? You are driving off my patrons.”

May 4th: Otbert looked up when the four rangers entered the Prancing Pony. “So Beorning, what is your urgent request?” Barnabas led them all to a back private room to discuss matters. “Something about a ring? Gorlanc? We have been hunting him. We plan to strike his fortress in a month. If we took the ring off your hands, it would attract Gorlanc and his undead minions. I’d suggest you destroy it, since your dwarf Loremaster has determined this a lesser ring crafted by the great elf master-smith Celebrimbor. But realize the Wraith will try to prevent you destroying it.” Ricfried asked, “Then will you help us?” To which Haleth offered, “Yes, if you will do us a favor. To best storm Gorlanc’s fortress, we could use your help raising the portcullis. There are tunnels to access it, but you will need your… burglar…Hobbit to unlock many gates.”

And so, the fellowship plus the rangers did battle with the Wraith who rushed to the blacksmith shop where the blacksmith Len Ferny hammered away at the super-heated ring. Eventually the ring broke apart in sparks and burst of radiation causing all to cover their eyes. When they looked again, the specter was gone. 
Haleth spoke, “Now about that favor…You will need camouflage as Mordor’s forces have many lookouts. Such as the Crebain. It was their circling overhead that led us to the hidden fortress.”


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