MEE-S1E7: Breeland/Holed Up in Staddle

MEE-S1E7: One Less Empire

Otbert (Bill) Beorning Wanderer

Zim (Tony) Hobbit Treasure Hunterabsent

Ricfried (Brian) Woodsman Wardenabsent

Lorig (Matt) Dwarven Scholar

Mud (Duane) Wood Elf Wanderer

Axel (Geoff) Rohanian Warrior

Short Fellowship: They waited for months for any word from the rangers regarding Gorlanc, but the fort-leader had melted away. No news. Even the groups’ own searching turned up nothing. Over the months:

  • Otbert – returned to Bree to contact Berelas in servitude to Eoin Appledore’s family, “You met Gorlanc in person; what does he look like? We are still on the hunt for him.” Long-haired, bearded weakling. Otbert also visited the Bree cemetery to see if more graves had been violated per the dying mother Rose’s comment to her daughter Violet. Nope. Rose’s comment was based on the slow delivery of gossip regarding old Timeas Heatherton’s body stolen by the troll.
  • Mud – journeyed with the ranger Haleth back to their base at Lake Everdim. He studied their operations while also learning about Gorlanc, “A charlatan delving in minor magic. But obviously charismatic enough to gather followers.”
  • Axel – Shire folk took notice of the human riding down their streets. Till they saw the hobbit riding behind him. Zim called out, “He’s with me folks.” Hobbits started to line the path, “Wonder what the slick-finger-fool did now? Must have tried to rob a king and is being brought to justice by that constable.” Over the months, Axel found solace among the glades as he practiced with his blade to relax his mind (removing Shadow points).
  • Lorig – the dwarf found his solace treating minor cuts and broken bones suffered by the local farmers. And as he traveled the roads, he was always on the lookout for herbs that might be useful toward his poisoned brother’s treatment. Alas, disappointment at finding the same old herbs failed to clear his mind (no Shadow recovery).

Sept 8, 2952: As Axel rode east out of the Shire and across the east bridge thru Buckland, scowling hobbits lined the road, “Tell those Undertrees wasn’t kindly of them to snub us from their annual Mid-Summer Festival.” Axel turned in his saddle to ask Zim seated behind him, “What’s that all about?” Zim filled him in, “The Undertrees are THE wealthiest family in Bree-land. Magnificent Hobbit hole surrounded by a bountiful apple orchard. Usually, without fail, they host their annual Mid-Summer Festival. Apple pies, apple-cider, gifts,…” Zim’s mind temporarily lapsed as he thought, “Magnificent home, gifts, wealth, treasure,…” Axel brought him back to now, “What was that you said last?”

As soon as they entered the gates of Bree, Zim hopped off, “I’ll see you later. Business to tend.” As if it was just yesterday, Axel settled at the corner table with his fellowship as Hilda balanced 5 mugs of ale for the 4 of them, “I know the dwarf too well.” Hilda explained the thin crowd, “Fall harvest, workers still in their fields. Nor does it help that Barnabas lacks the apple-cider he normally serves.” Lorig spoke up to the group, “A boring few months. No news of Gorlanc. Nothing exciting…unless you’re a hobbit and concerned about young Matt Woolfoot rumored to be afraid of ‘Big folks and trees.’ ” Mud seconded the lack of news, “The rangers have been searching around every rock and tree and haven’t found any signs of Gorlanc. As if he fell off the edge of the earth.” Axel added his bit, “Local’s are upset there was no Mid-Summer Festival. I’d hate to be an Undertree seen in this town!”

Axel scanned the small crowd and decided to add some excitement as he spoke out loud, “You folk hear about oakmen that look like wooden-hobbits? Let me tell you a little story that begins with a merchant’s caravan…” Barnabas Butterburr grumbled from the bar, “Where is that Mirabar and his wagons?! They should have passed thru here a month ago. I was hoping he’d restock my dwarven ale from the Blue Mountains. Nor the apple-cider I get from the Undertrees. At least I have my honey-mead thanks to Otbert’s and Hilda’s honeybee farm.”

And that’s when Hilda caught sight of the hobbit passing down the street, “There’s young Albert Undertree now.” Lorig strolled out the door out of curiosity while Mud slipped outside into the shadows to observe from afar. [Which meant more ale for Otbert and Axel still at the table.] Lorig watched as Albert entered the grocery store and bought lots of dried food he loaded into his push-cart. Along with sacks of human-size cutlery…strange. And a nice collection of roots and herbs…things a herbalist would use to concoct medicinal potions and poultices. Not cooking spices. Strange indeed.

Once Albert paid his bill and began to pull his cart, Lorig approached, “Good afternoon young man. I couldn’t help but notice the herbs you bought. Is someone sick? I’m a doctor, maybe I can help. Free of charge, although I hear your apple-cider is the best. I’d gladly settle for a pint.” Albert meekly spoke up, “Sick? Oh, no, no. Just stocking up. Cider? Yes, yes, we’ve a bumper crop coming in. Busy. Busy with the apple harvest.” Furtively looking at his pocket-watch, “My, My. It’s getting late. I must go.” And off he rushed, lugging his cart behind without further pleasantries. Not even a goodbye.

Meanwhile, as Mud observed from the shadows, movement in a window caught his eye. Someone else, behind a curtain also interested in the Albert exchange. Once Albert began walking, the man exited the store and began to follow. Mud threw a rock at Lorig to get his attention as the elf then approached the man, “Excuse me, do you have the time? And why were you so interested in the boy?” But the burly man, with dried mud on his pant knees, bristled, “Typical elf. Distrustful. Hey! Get your hands off me!” Passer-byers glanced at the scene as the elf grappled the man. Lorig arrived and tried to appease [Persuade – fumbled] the locals, “Friend has had too much to drink.” But the locals took the man’s side, “You’re not the authority! Let him go before we call the constable.”

Mud released the man but pressed for answers, “Why are you following the hobbit?” To which the man replied, “What is YOUR interest? If you must know, there is to be an apple-pie contest at the coming Apple Harvest Festival. I was trying to spy on my competition…see what kind of spices the Undertrees add to theirs.” The man brushed Mud’s arm aside, straightened his shirt, and left. Lorig filled the silence, “Strange indeed. I found young Albert acting a little scared and lying to me too. Something is going on. Care to get the others and find out what? Add some excitement to the day?”

After gathering Otbert and Axel from the inn, they hurried out of town in pursuit of the cart. Barely a mile east, as they topped a rise, they spotted the boy pulling the cart. Being gruffly handled by the man Mud confronted. Albert backhand-slapped to the ground. Otbert took off running towards them as Mud spurred his horse forward between the man and a prone Albert. Wielding a blade, the man attacked Mud (Natural 20 = 13 damage) severely gashing his leg. A frightened Albert scrambled to his feet and bolted from the scene. Only to be tackled by Otbert who commanded [Intimidate 20], “STAY! Don’t make me run you down again!”

Axel rode into battle with his horse attacking with its hoofs. And the short-legged dwarf finally arrived to join in the fight (only to miss). Outnumbered, the man quickly perished. A wailing Albert cried out, “What have you done?! My sister Blossom will surely die at the hands of that horrible man. He’s poisoned my sister and has commanded my family to cooperate else he stop giving her daily treatment to ease the poison. Gorlanc said if any harm came to he or his men, my family will suffer!”

The group tried to calm the boy as Lorig tended to Mud’s wounds. Axel offered, “We’re here to help. We’ll rescue your family, and the doctor can save your sister (he hoped).” Otbert calmly persuaded Albert, “Just tell Gorlanc you were mugged on the road. Thugs killed the man and robbed the cart. You don’t have to lie, just tell what you saw. We’ll rob the man and your cart to support your story. Practice your words. Good. Don’t worry about your fearful tone, it goes with the robbery story. Along with that bruise on your cheek. And your pee-stained pants.” Before leaving with the bag of herbs, Albert confessed, “The wizard did something to our tree. It moves its branches at night.” Lorig interrupted, “Tell me your sister’s symptoms so I can determine what poison he uses. Sweating, fever. From the herbs you bought, sounds like Saewesgal root poison. I’ll brew up the antidote and give it to you next week when you come for supplies.”

It was a long week as the group plotted and planned. Lorig got busy brewing the healing potion. Otbert and Mud took turns spying on the Undertree house from a distant eastern hill. Patrols exited a side-door to walk the perimeter and stretch their legs. During the middle of the first night, Otbert [Lore – fumble 1 which raised the Hunt] spotted 2 more men (coming from the Foresaken Inn direction) approach, call out a password, and enter the side-door. “Great! More thugs to deal with. As if the 10 Albert mentioned wasn’t enough.”

Luck that Mud spotted the wolfhounds wandering in the orchard. Which allowed Otbert over days to gain their trust [Animal Handle-pass] as he offered treats. Eliminating any threat of their barking to sound an alarm.

Plans discussed and tossed aside. “We need to draw them out.” “No, we need to rescue the hobbits first else Gorlanc kills the girl as he threatens.” “The 4 of us struggled to kill the lone man; how are we to face ten or more?!” “Doors create log-jams letting us deal with a few at a time.” “Time that Gorlanc uses to carry out his threat to the family.” Round and round they went, till, “We’ll wing it. The gods are with us.”

Sept 15: This time 3 men accompanied Albert into town. Lorig was already in the General Store to pass along the antidote as he whispered without looking at the boy, “Takes about 30 minutes. And probably an hour before she can walk on her own. Tell Gorlanc his men stopped at the bar, but you hustled along.” Albert whispered as he looked busy, “Here’s a key to a secret entrance in the orchard. Base of a large apple tree north of our house about 100 yards that looks deformed on the westside. Careful. They know about it and patrol in that area.”



Lorig exited the store munching on an apple as he headed to the Inn to gather his crew. Who setup their ambush outside of town. Almost a half-hour before Albert and the cart passed and the men appeared. “Thunk, thunk.” Arrows sunk into a thigh or shoulder, before the group exited their hiding to confront the men. Or rather, the men charged their assailants. Poor timing to miss now. Otbert killed one before going down himself. Lorig the battlefield medic treating Otbert only to see Axel collapse next. By the time the 3rd man dropped, Lorig complained, “We haven’t even reached the farm and I’m almost out of my healing potions. We need to rethink our plans.”

They hid on the eastern hill waiting for another patrol to exit the hobbit-hole. And waited till they got out of sight and sound of the house before they attacked: 4 against 2. These 2 fought just as desperately as the last 3 on the road. They too soon fell; but not before they inflicted wounds to slow the groups’ schedule.

Mud led the group down the secret passage under the orchard tree that angled toward the Undertree hobbit-hole. The Elf, Beorn, and Rohan crawled on their knees while the dwarf strode per normal, “Being short has its advantages. Explains the dirt on that first brigand who escorted Albert last week.” The tunnel opened unto the basement with dirt floors and wooden walls to frame cellars between the labyrinth of roots from the tree atop the hobbit-hole. Mostly storage cellars at first, left and right. A northern room filled with jars and bottles as Lorig surmised, “Smells medicinal. Foul stench. Probably where Gorlanc brews his poison and other surprises.”

They continued west into a tall room with a large vat as the fermented air almost overwhelmed them. “I’m surprised there are no guards posted. But there has been a lot of foot-traffic thru here. See the boot-prints in the dirt floor?” They continued to move stealthily (although stealth was not a word Axel could use.). The next room was filled with tree roots exposed exiting the walls and across the floor. And that’s when Mud jumped at the sudden root movement as if alive. “What’s that smell?!” Lorig approached [Medicine+Lore] and realized, “A poisonous root from the Midgewater Marshes! Gorlanc must have harvested it as we chased, before he turned south toward the Foresaken Inn. A malicious ‘Mandrake Root’. I’ve heard it can corrupt whatever it infests. THIS is what probably awakens the tree, causing it to come to life. Its apples must be filled with its poison! Imagine if the Apple Harvest Festival actually happens!”

Otbert wasted little time using the magical sickle to cut the malicious root from the tree. Meanwhile, rooms to the south proved to be more storage area. Which left a door to the north as their next destination. Mud gritted his teeth as he tried to silently open the door. Just inches to realize foe on the other side. A silent count before they rushed in. Surprise as they caught 4 brigands playing cards at a table. Their shields just out of reach which somewhat helped even the odds. And the table helped to constrict their movement such that the fellowship was able to engage one-on-one.

Lorig able to jump onto the table and swing normally as any human standing on the table had to duck per the low ceiling, hindering his attack. But the battle was still long and bloody. Again, Lorig called into action as medic to heal Axel.

Once the brigands were eliminated, they rushed up the spiraling dirt tunnel to the floor above. Fearing Gorlanc held a blade at Blossom’s throat. But discovery only the hobbits occupied the rooms. “I’m Alphonso and this my wife Mable. Blossom seems to be recovering but we still fear Gorlanc and his men.” Axel spoke up, “Fear not. We’ve killed his men but still look for the wizard. Run out of the house while you can and we’ll deal with that scum.” As Alphonso ushered his family out, he instructed, “Gorlanc has a lab in the basement. And a secret door to his room just to the north. Hurry and you can trap him inside as that secret door is the only way out. Unless he’s already escaped.”

But luck was on their side as the basement rooms were well insulated and sound-proofed by the thick dirt walls and their separation. They crept thru the secret passage to surprise Gorlanc. The frail-looking wizard even more crazed-looking dressed in hobbit clothing oh too small. But he was still determined, “Hold your blades. Don’t you realize I hold the power of sorcery in my hands. Life and death is but a word or gesture away. Kill me and the little girl dies without the antidote. And all of Bree-land will rise up against you.” All that bluster and threats silenced when Lorig announced, “Thanks to Albert’s shopping, I realized your poisonous Saewesgal root. Blossom has already drunk a full dose of the antidote.”

Sounds of battle and blades replaced words. It was still a tense battle despite their overwhelming numbers. Gorlanc held his own with his poisonous dagger and his minor spells that stunned a few of the allies. But in the end, Gorlanc was laid to rest. His plans to create his own empire within Eriador thwarted.

As for Lorig, he soon realized, “This antidote! THIS might be of aid to my brother!”

Otbert interrupted, “Not so quick on packing those herbs away. Gorlanc’s blade was poisoned, so if you don’t mine, I could use some of your healing. I’ve a long trip ahead of me. I wasn’t sure how or when to tell everyone, but my time around the hobbits is coming to a close. Beorn only gave me 2 years on my assignment until he expects a report back. Thus, I must journey over the Misty Mountains before the snow closes the passes. No telling where he will send me next, but if you are ever in the Carrocks, mention my name and you will be treated well. As for this special sickle, I’ve no need of it. As Gandalf said, it might come in handy for your next adventures. Maybe it will help you Lorig find your herbs. Or aid the Hobbit; where is Zim?” 


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