MEE-S2E4: Eriador/Nightmares of Angmar (conclusion)

MEE-S2E4: We will never make it in time!

Vogar (Bill) Dwarf Warrior

Zim (Tony) Hobbit Treasure Hunter

Ricfried (Brian) Woodsman Warden

Lorig (Matt) Dwarven Scholar

Mud (Duane) Wood Elf Wanderer

Axel (Geoff) Rohanian Warrior

31 Oct: They crossed the Carn Dûm bridge, forging their way past the visage of the Witch-King. Image or actual mattered not as the fright was real. As real as the horde of goblins pouring out of the ruins and gorge. Hundreds, thousands? More than they could handle; thus, they loaded the children onto the horses as they ran beside. It was a chase of endurance.

[Keith used the ‘Chase’ mechanics of both Cthulhu and DnD. Using individual CON-modifiers (+3) to determine how many ‘Dash’ moves each could make before they suffered Exhaustion. Each quarry-character would declare his move actions, then roll to determine the pursuit complications. The chase became a thrilling ebb-and-flow till they turned a corner.]

Zim and Axel paused to help the children onto Stedrick and Mud’s horse too. Vogar put on his new Helm (of Awe) as he lugged the unconscious Essylt over his shoulder. Thus, there was nothing scary about the back of the Helm to frighten the goblins. [At this point the Helm was cursed treasure which increased the dwarf’s Shadow. Gaining ground on madness.] He ran screaming, “Onward to Erebor and Thorin!” Mud and Ricfried turned to shoot arrows before they ran. Lorig dashed around prickly thornbush. Hwalda dashed trying to stay up with the children on the horses.

Vogar and Hwalda continually dashed as long as their stamina held-out, then pushed on thru the exhaustion. The others dashed when they could, else stopped to shoot an arrow when goblins got too close. All the while having to pay attention to their footing as they encountered loose rocks, slick ice, blinding blowing snow, and even swarming insects stirred from their winter slumber. And that’s when two children fell from their horse, black-fletched arrows protruding from their chests. Goblin archers lined the narrowing passage. Which required Axel and Mud to charge forward to calm their horses that also sported imbedded arrows. Which allowed goblin pursuit to close.

Many a fellowship arrow killed foe or at least caused them to duck-for-cover. But goblin archers still found their mark: Axel took 2 arrows in his leg. And Mud suffered wounds from goblins who closed. As Ricfried stood to fight off 3 goblins near Mud, Lorig got close enough to throw a medicinal poultice to the elf’s outstretched arm. And all the while Zim notched arrow after arrow thinning the archers above. Allowing Vogar and the horses and Hwalda to continue running for their lives. Slowly, ever so slowly, the goblins began to fall behind. Such that they had separation from their pursuers when they rounded a bend that offered a fork-in-the-road.


 Glorfindel on Asfaloth

And that’s when they encountered another threat before them. Except Mud recognized them, “Haleth! And Glorfindel!” Indeed, the fabled elf upon his stead ‘Asfaloth’. “Well met wanderers. Radagast sent message of your task. And Haleth brought news of your exploits. A sad remembrance was stirred in my heart, driving me over many dangerous leagues looking for you. What have you awoken this time? Perhaps you can enlighten me as we ride forth. It is a long way to the house of Elrond. But first, here, have a sip from my flask [elven ‘miruvor’ elixir that removes exhaustion]. Haleth will take charge of the hillmen and hide out in ranger hiding-holes while we lead the pursuers away.”

And that’s when Essylt began to stir, “Put me down you ugly dwarf!” Axel got in her face, “Your charge is to protect the kids! Take them home and become the chieftain of your tribe.” Hwalda, reminded all, “You still owe me my share of the treasure. I’ll see you again.” The children dismounted and were gagged as they hid out, while Mud and Ricfried erased their tracks. Such that the goblins would only see one set of tracks leading down the right fork.

And so it was, Zim rode behind Axel, Vogar behind Ricfried on Haleth’s horse, Lorig behind Mud as they rode in league with Glorfindel. Zim dug into his backpack and offered up the gem found in the Lurker cave, “I suppose you came for this.” Glorfindel’s eyes brightened, “So, that is the riddle that lured me to you. Many thanks for its safe keeping.” Indeed, good heartedness all around, except Vogar who was still tormented by the shadowy cloud weighing down upon him, “But we should be riding toward Erebor. King Thorin awaits our force.” Zim got Glorfindel’s attention as he used his finger to make circular motions before his skull, “Ignore him, he’s lost in time.”



All calm and peace shattered when Glorfindel suddenly pulled back his reins. On the path before them, the Witch-King himself! Accompanied by 2 trolls. “You thought you could get away from me? Meet your doom.” The Witch-King turned to face Glorfindel, “So, you’ve decided to die beside these pitiful fools. Surely YOU know that no man shall strike me down. But you can try. Come closer to your death.”



Indeed, the mighty elf charged, wielding his sword. Vogar’s sanity was strained [his Shadow now 18, 4 over his Wisdom, thus suffering the ‘miserable’ condition] as he tittered on the edge of madness while riding backwards with Ricfried. Who steadied the horse, drew his bow, and shot at a troll. Mud too maintained control of his horse [Animal Handle 19] as he maneuvered, drew his magic bow, and shot at the Witch-King. Meanwhile, Lorig jumped off Mud’s horse and charged the troll. Which prompted Vogar to jump off Ricfried’s horse to join Lorig’s side, “For Thorin and Erebor. Baruk Khazâd! Khazâd ai-mênu! (Axes of the Dwarves! The Dwarves are upon you!)”



Ricfried and Zim notched arrow after arrow as they fired against the trolls. The trolls looked like pin-cousins with arrow shafts imbedded, but they were not slowed. As the one troll raised a tree-stump to swing at Lorig, Vogar managed to block it with his protective shield. Meanwhile, Glorfindel and the Witch-King (WK) traded mighty attacks, till the elf reached into his armor and revealed a bright stone (remnant of a Silmaril gem). Which caused the WK to momentarily withdraw. “You may not fall to man, but nor I to you!”

In the background, Mud prodded his horse to maneuver behind Axel as he shot at a troll. Lorig swung at the other troll as Ricfried dashed past aiming toward the WK himself. Not an easy task considering the horse frightened by what lay ahead [Handle Animal 19]. The battlefield took on a foreboding darkness as the evil threat grew. And that’s when the troll backhanded Vogar hard enough to dent and spin his Helm backwards. Such that he was blinded for the downswing of the tree-trunk. Which dropped the dwarf.

As Ricfried charged at his foe, the Witch-King breathed upon all (Black Breath) while slicing the woodsman with his morgul blade. Ricfried fell. Two allies fallen might have broken a lesser team. But this team seemed to attack with renewed energy. First one, then the other troll fell. And as Glorfindel advanced on the Witch-King with the Silmaril held high in one hand and his glistening blade in the other, the WK gave ground and then fled. Leaving the battlefield silent, except for the heavy breathing of the survivors.

1 Nov: Lorig and Glorfindel treated the wounded. But as Glorfindel saw Ricfried’s wound, he realized, “A morgul blade. I can only slow the spread of its poison. We have a 400-mile journey to Imladris before us. 3 weeks at best. We must hurry.”

Once again, Mud was the Guide as they embarked for Rivendell. As Hunters, Lorig and Ricfried managed to find safe camps and even kingscup herbs to aid their travels. They crossed the Red Valley of Angmar and into the Ettenmoor mountains and hills where they crossed the Hoarwell River into the lands of Rhudaur. Glorfindel warned, “Quiet. Least we disturb more trolls.”

They rested when they came upon ruins of Arnor (relics of the past). As they paused among its shadows, Glorfindel noticed Vogar fiddling with his Helm, “I can feel the cursed nature of your treasure. I suggest you wait till we get to Imladris where elves can remove the curse.” But the tormented dwarf was lost in the time of ‘The Battle of the 5 Armies’ when dwarves did not trust elves. Thus, Glorfindel’s words only prompted the dwarf to clutch his property tighter and scowl at the elf.

11 Nov: While the passage was swift and true as the Wanderer navigated the Trollshaw Forest (a known land), black tendrils continued to spread from Ricfried’s wound. The poison now beyond Lorig’s healing abilities. Ricfried continually coughed, now too weak to wipe the mucus from his lips. Glorfindel realized, “The poison from the morgul blade is spreading too rapidly. We will never make it in time to save your friend at this pace. Help lift him onto my horse Asfaloth who can run as fast as the wind.” To Lorig he whispered the password to enter Imladris. And just like that, he was off.



21 Nov: Leaving the fellowship to make the way alone. Eventually they arrived, 10 days later. Mountains and valleys all around and no sight of the fabled elven city. Till elven guards appeared, accepted the password, blindfolded each of them, and led them into the sprawling city called Rivendell by non-elves.


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