MEE-S3E1: Eriador/Harder than Stone (part 1)

Vogar (Bill) Dwarf Warrior

Zim (Tony) Hobbit Treasure Hunter

Ricfried (Brian) Woodsman Warden…had to leave mid-scene

Lorig (Matt) Dwarf Scholar

Mud (Duane) Wood Elf Wanderer

Axel (Geoff) Rohanian Warrior

Nov 2964 and onward: Fellowship

Vogar: By the time the bag was removed from his head, the dwarf had already tumbled into a realm of misery and corruption (Shadow 20 vs Wisdom 14). His mind already reset to TA2941 and the beginning of the ‘Battle of the 5 Armies’ (where he got his severe head-wound) when dwarves and elves did not get along. Thus, Vogar thought himself a prisoner. He did not reason them removing his cursed helm as an act of kindness or help.

But they did let him keep his blacksmith tools and work at a forge. A peaceful setting that helped ease his misery. And when the time was right, Lord Elrond allowed his daughter Arwen to aid the dwarf in the repair and curse-removal of his helm. She slowly got under his tough skin with teasing banter, “I don’t know why you think you need this helm. You’re ugly enough as is. Although, I must admit, it does make you look better.”



And so, over long months, the dwarf slowly began to recover [Heal Corruption by 4]. His spirits lifted by the singing of the hammer-strikes against the anvil. Till one day, he accompanied Arwen to the fabled elven realm of Lothlorien. Not that he was allowed to enter the enchanted forest, but she did take him to look upon Lake Mirrormere. Vogar remembered, “This is where King Durin knelt upon the shores and saw the crown upon his head. It was a sign that spurred him to found the great city of Khazad-dûm beneath these mountains.”

Before leaving Arwen with her sister, Vogar asked, “The stories of old tell of Thorin’s journey thru Rivendell with other dwarves and a hobbit. Did you happen to see what blade Thorin carried?” Arwen remembered an elven blade Elrond named as ‘Orcrist’ but she did not remember another blade Vogar calls ‘Deathless’.

Mud: The elf was at home among his elf brothers. And knowing Imladris was a wealth of knowledge, he sought out teachers. Thus, he became friends with Lord Elrond’s twins, Elladan and Elrohir. Who taught him the secret ways to brew potions. Such as ‘miruvor’, that Elrond had used to restore their vigor (endurance) during their escape from Angmar.

Ricfried: The woodsman knew he was among the great elf scholars. Thus, he too stayed in Rivendell to study with the Lore-masters. Learn some of their medical skills while studying survival from the best. And barter to buy one of their shields.  On the anniversary of his morgul wound Ricfried took to bed as he was severely ill.

Lorig: The dwarf was restless. Polite to his hosts but needed to tend patients to get his mind off of the past darkness he’d encountered. Thus, he wandered the area around Rivendell seeking farmers and travelers in need of help. (Doctors without Borders) Practicing his skills and getting his mind off of troubling thoughts. [Heal Corruption] Such that he returned to Rivendell refreshed and ready for new adventures.

Axel: The Rohirrim had been troubled by the darkness of the north. The shadowy stain upon his psyche. It was Glorfindel who worked with the horseman to train with his weapon and horse. [Heal Corruption]. Distracting his troubling thoughts such that Axel began to relax. And found the time to journey across the Misty Mts and north along the Anduin to return to his betrothed Essylt. Finding her as chieftain among her tribe and the hillmen now allied with the Beornings. Essylt chuckled at the memory of his mud-fight win of her hand. “If you need a bride, I offer you my handmaid.” Hwalda stepped out of the hut, “Where’s my share of the treasure?”

Zim: The hobbit trained alongside his Rohirrim friend, on foot, dancing under the maneuvering horse ‘Stedrick’. And worked with the elves to improve his stealth. And scoffed at their ride north, “Why seek out your betrothed? I already cook for you; what else do you need?” But his most enjoyable journey was west back to the Shire to meet family and friends. Well, family who weren’t really friends. But he did meet Bilbo Baggins. Who joined them on their return to Rivendell. Many a long and sleepless nights for Axel as the hobbits traded tales. And Bilbo practiced a new song. And every once in a while, (failed Perception) Zim had to look around in wonder where Bilbo disappeared to. [Bilbo was fingering the ring, testing and remembering its eerie feel when he put it on.]

6 May, 2966: Elrond stood upon his balcony and waved to his friend riding forward, “Bilbo! Well met friend. Just in time to join us for our Summer Feast tonight to celebrate new life and the greening of the forests.” And so it was, elven wine flowed and platters of meat and berries were lifted and passed around. Pausing too long in front of the Hobbits and their bottomless stomachs. Music echoed thru the valley. Vogar joined in with his lute (Perform 11) earning pained smiles. Axel tried to sing along (Perform 1) only to stir an uproar of howling dogs.

And Mud traded war-stories with Glorfindel who told of his fall to a balrog in the First Age, “I had to sail across the seas to Valinor to heal from that grave wound.” But when Mud began to tell his own story of escaping from Carn Dûm and the Witch-King, it brought back painful memories of the ‘War of the North’. Glorfindel quickly tried to change the subject. Perfect timing as Bilbo began to sing his new song that spoke of the freeing of Erebor and the find of the dwarven Arkenstone. Ending with the description of the stone placed upon the chest of dead King Thorin. Awakening news for Vogar who had long thought his king still alive.

Elrond broke the somber mood as he spoke to the fellowship, “If you’ll join me tomorrow morning before the sun rises. I have a request and the need for dwarven eyes and knowledge. You others will be of great aid.”

7 May: Elrond stood upon his balcony in a shimmering blue robe with a young female elf at his side as he greeted the party just as the sun began to peek over the mountains. "I have longstanding arrangements with the rangers for us to maintain the roads within 3 days of here. This is Gondril (barely 200 yo) whom I have put in charge. Considering your dwarven stonecunning, I thought maybe you could accompany her west 100 miles to the ‘Last Bridge’ over the Hoarwell River just west of the Trollshaws Forest.” Lorig laughed at the idea of elves in charge of bridges, “Aye, you’ll need a real stonemason’s help.” Ricfried corrected the dwarf, “If memory serves me, THAT bridge was built in the Kingdom of Arnor when Númenóreans ruled the lands. Even you dwarf might learn something useful of its construct.”

Zim spoke up, “We crossed it just days ago and it was fine. But I always like an adventure. So sure, let’s accompany the elf and save her from any threats.” With a cart loaded with proper tools and bags of mortar (just in case), they set off on their 3-day journey. During which, Mud tried to befriend Gondril, “That must be quite the honor for Lord Elrond to assign you such position.” Gondril understood, “Indeed. For we elves are beginning to heed the ‘call of Valinor’. I may be the last elf to hold such position.”

10 May: Along the way, they passed a couple of caravans. The dwarves traded coin for a barrel of ‘real’ ale. While the hobbit sought “Longbottom leaf” for his pipe. Axel had to keep watch that the hobbit actually paid, without retrieving his coin later, “That way, they’ve barter with you again my friend.” It was mid-afternoon when they began to hear the roar of the river. Which brought memories to Vogar, “Many a times I crossed that bridge with me brother Vig and his sons (Navig and Narvi) as guards for that merchant Mirabar.”

As they drew closer, they noticed something queer about the sound of the water. Louder around the bridge. They could see choppy water backing up on the northside. Something was stuck around one of the buttresses. Mud stood at the end of the bridge and to its side to get a look, “Not a tree. Manmade. I’d guess part of a wagon. But there’s no way for a wagon to accidently fall off the bridge.” Vogar tied a rope to a bridge crenelation and lowered himself over the side for a closer look. “Definitely the front half of a wagon. I see the yoke and tongue and part of…HEY, that’s my family-shield painted on the wood!”

Vogar scrambled down the rope while screaming, “VIG! NAVIG, NARVI.” Securing the rope around the remains, he climbed back up for he+Lorig+Mud to haul it out. Lorig saw enough of the wagon wood to realize, “Paints not peeled, woods not waterlogged. Maybe a day only.” Vogar inspected the bridge crenelations to confirm no scrape marks of it going over. Zim was already walking the downstream shoreline to see if anyone crawled out of the water. Axel joined Mud searching north upriver for where the wagon went in. “Over here! A campsite. Signs of a fight. Broken human arrows; not black fletching.”  

Vogar hustled over to look for blood and bodies. Mud realized, “Tracks going north. They made a poor attempt to hide their tracks.” Lorig knelt to inspect, “Men AND troll tracks. And wide prints probably 3 dwarf. Shuffling. Probably tied up as prisoners.” Zim pondered, “Trolls are not smart enough to lead. And it’s not normal for men to be in league with trolls.” And then he remembered years ago their working for the troll Bosbo, “Well, not all trolls. This is a stone-troll. Not the smartest.”

Mud noticed Vogar hustling off to the northwest, “Where are you going?! They went this way.” Vogar stormed back impatient, “They’re family. Quit yapping and let’s go rescue them.” Hours north with the sun slowly setting, stretching shadows eastward. In the distance, the faint glow of campfires. “Wait here with your clanking armor as we check it out.” Mud and Zim quietly scouted ahead. 13 men huddled around a small fire, passed around a jug. Swords and shortbows leaned nearby. But a larger campfire, before a hill, illuminated a large wooden door. 3 sacks stacked in front. Movement…one of the sacks squirmed. Then another. Then suddenly, the door was lifted as a stone-troll stepped out of a cave into the light. Realization the busted wagon-bed leaned as a makeshift door.

Mud whispered, “I heard one bandit name the troll Angus. Wondered if he’s hungry enough to eat the captives. Their boss said something about ‘the captain would slay him’ if that happened. Let’s go back and tell the others.” Zim spoke, “Their weaken comes at dawn. Stone-trolls can’t live in sunlight. I’ll stay as lookout.”

Mud snuck back to tell the others, “The dwarves are alive but Zim says to wait till dawn.” Wrong words. Vogar charged toward the camp yelling, “Baruk Khazâd! Khazâd ai-mênu!” Axel cursed “Damn it Vogar” as he gathered his horse to lend aid. Surprise lost as the bandits gathered their weapons and the troll grinned at the dwarf charging to become another sack-prize. Lorig rushed to join in the fight as the archers stayed in the treeline to give cover. A rain of arrows against illuminated bandits who only had the horseman to target as the dwarves were on the other side of the horse. 

As for the troll, Angus plowed thru the campfire to swing at Lorig but Vogar blocked that attack as he swung his Warhammer.

The bandit leader commanded, “Get into the woods and find those damn archers!” As he and others moved into the melee fight. Meanwhile, Zim used the high ground above the cave to target the troll. The troll flinched, causing Vogar to miss. [rolled a 1 causing a ‘Bout of Madness’ (anger) per his high Shadow] “Damn it Axel, get your horse’s ass out of my face. This is MY kill!” But by now, from melee hits and Zim’s arrows, the troll fell. Mattered not to Vogar who continued to hack at the body in a mad rage.

Enough distraction for Zim to climb down and untie the sacks, “Your life depends on silence. Follow me.” The hobbit led the battered and bruised dwarves away as the fight with the bandits continued. Meanwhile, Ricfried and Gondril stayed near their horses and fought off bandits. While Mud eluded his pursuers as he targeted the bandit leader. Until he stood too long to aim, “There he is, get him!” By now Axel yelled at the crazed dwarf, “Forget the dead troll and help me against these bandits!”

When the dust finally settled, the bandits dead, Vogar rushed to the bags but found them empty. “NO! The troll ate me family!” He was about to turn to attack the pulpy mess of the troll again when Zim returned, “Fear not Vogar. Here are your kin.” But Vogar looked upon the trio, “These are not family. Where is my brother Vig?! Why do you have his wagon?” Lorig pushed the angered Vogar aside as he came forward to treat their wounds.

The oldest spoke up, “I am Anar. This is my son Vidar and his wife Ginar. We are humbly indebted to you. We rode with Vig and his son Narvi taking ware from Erebor westward to Erid Luin. Tiring of passing caravans stopping at our camps for ‘free’ ale, we pulled north off the road for the night. Mistake. Bandits and 5 stone-trolls attacked us. But worse, was their leader. Big and fast. Reminded me of Orges of the old age. It spoke the ‘Black Speak’. But nothing should move like that! Cut Narvi in half in a single stroke. Vig didn’t stand a chance either. It laughed as it offered its kill to the troll who munched on their bones. The others called it Mormog.”

Vogar was resentful and outraged as he removed his ‘Helm of Awe’, “Enough! How is it you live? Why are you not also in the trolls belly along with my brother and nephew?! Cowards! You ran away and left them to face the troll and men alone. No wonder they were killed so easily.” Anar swallowed, “I did not know the relation. From your scars, you must be Vogar Vig spoke of. Sorry for your loss, but there was nothing we could do. It happened so fast. I too wonder why we were not killed. Mormog only instructed them to take us north into the Coldfells.”

Vogar had already loaded his gear and started north. Once again Mud spoke up, “Stop Vogar. I understand revenge is justified. But foolishness not. We know not where this Mormog and the other trolls went.” And that’s when Zim exited the cave smelling of spoiled larder, “Nothing but meaty leg bones in its larder. But I did find large clay pots. Imprints of others probably taken. I found these gems, gold, and buttons in the other pots. Probably 60 gold worth.” As Zim looked at the dwarves he’d rescued, “I know I rescued you, but I release you from your servitude.”

Gondril spoke up, “Maybe Lord Elrond knows of this Mormog and his lair.” Lorig picked up where Mud left off, “Dwarves have long memories Vogar. We will not forget this Mormog. But these dwarves have broken bones and cannot walk. We must load them into the wagon and take back to Rivendell. Besides, if these dwarves die on the way to Rivendell without you, wouldn’t that mean Vig and Narvi died in vain?” Wise words that swayed the stubborn Vogar.” In the background, Axel whispered to the hobbit, “Trying to persuade a recalcitrant dwarf to see reason. Harder than killing a troll.”

15 May: The return trip was slower considering the dwarves’ broken bones and pain at every bump. Within a day, Vogar’s madness abated. [16 Shadow removed and replaced with 1 Permanent Shadow] Just outside Rivendell, before crossing the river, a lone elf rider approached, “Lord Elrond was worried at your overdue return.” Gondril rode ahead to inform his lordship. When the wagon finally arrived with the others, she advised, “Lord Elrond would like to speak to the wounded dwarves first. If you would please wait till morning for his council upon the balcony.” Lorig was already one-step ahead of Vogar, “Patience. Long memories. Mormog will pay.”

16 May: Elrond looked over the valley as the party settled upon his balcony, “There is a riddle I’ve pondered all these years. Tell me your thoughts. Who has the greater calling: the healing scholar or the preventer warden?” Vogar as his old self spoke first, “The warrior who rids the threat.” Elrond interpreted his answer, “So, you side with the warden. What say you Mud?” The elf was caught by surprise, “I’m sorry your lord. Could you repeat the riddle?”

Elrond moved on to another topic, “I talked with the dwarves. Anar is a veteran of the War of the Dwarves and Orcs where Thorin Oakenshield got this name. Which reminded Anar of this Mormog. What do you think of this singular captain and his trolls?” Vogar asked, “Has there been news of other caravans missing? We passed 3 they said nothing.” Elrond answered, “The men of Bree are distrustful and do not share news. So, no we have not heard. I knew having dwarves here was wise. Might I send you in search of this captain? If he indeed travels to the Coldfells, the trolls will slow his travel as they hate daytime.” Zim injected, “Could you send scouts ahead to point the way for Mud?” For some reason, Mud was offended, “I’ll have you know the Coldfells are a known land to me. Did I not lead you thru there on the way to Imladris?”


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