MEE-S4E2: Eriador/Concerning Archers (conclusion)

May 11th, 2965: Lorig moved amongst his companions tending wounds. Till Mud happened to notice the small face peering from the escape tunnel. That just as quickly withdrew from sight. Soon followed by the echoing noise of Orc voices.

Vogar (Bill) Dwarf Warrior… Shadow Weakness (Resentful)

Zim (Tony) Hobbit Treasure Hunter

Ricfried (Brian) Woodsman Warden…absent

Lorig (Matt) Dwarf Scholar

Mud (Duane) Wood Elf Wanderer

Axel (Geoff) Rohanian Warrior

Vogar stood ready to confront the eventual Orc swarm, when Mud announced, “Over here! There’s another passage beyond the Palantir room.” Zim took the lead as scout while Axel held onto Mud’s shoulder who guided him thru the darkened passages. The dwarves brought up the rear, pausing to listen to the progress of the Orcs, “Sounds like they’re delayed clearing that escape tunnel.” Single file down steps that opened unto natural caverns. Fetid smells assaulted their noses as they continued with hope… and growing exhaustion. Pausing to nibble elven Lembas bread (or drink doses of Miruvor) for renewed vigor.

Miles/hours they continued in the darkened passages. Their footsteps echoed thru the deserted tunnels, long silent as if the surroundings a tomb. They all ran into Zim paused inspecting a battle site, “Human, hobbit-size bones and armor, and even the misshaped skulls of Orc. The Green Company MUST have come this way!” Guarding their rear, Vogar chastised, “This ain’t a time to reminisce. Collect some evidence but MOVE on!” Mud called from further up the tunnels, “Fresh air! There’s a blocked airshaft that might prove to be our exit.” Axel joined the elf jabbing swords up into the shaft as Lorig (stonecunning) pointed out weak spots. They dodged falling stones as more and more air flowed.

Finally, they lifted Zim who climbed out, into a moonlit dell. Next Mud then Axel who barely squeezed thru. “We need to make it wider for the dwarves. Especially for Vogar.” Vogar waited impatiently below as stones clinked off his helm. Till he saw hands reaching down. Grunts and strained muscles accompanied the dwarf’s assent into the night’s vista. Lorig spoke up, “Best I can tell, the tunnels led north. We are well outside the walls of the old Fornost city.”

A strange chill raised his arm-hairs. Zim was the first to sound warning when he saw a bluish form emerge from a foggy haze hovering over the dell. His caution turned to excitement when he heard singing as more short ghostly forms coalesced before him. “It’s the Green Company!” Zim pulled out his bagpipes and played along with the tune.

“Hobbits go marching north to war, The Shire! The Shire!

Longing for our hearth so warm, The Shire! The Shire!

We go to serve and lend our bows, and off to face the northern woes!

And stop the Shadow; Hobbit go marching north!

And slay the darkness; Hobbits go marching north!

Crying aloud with shaft to string, The Shire! The Shire!

The Enemy shall feel our sting, The Shire! The Shire!

Yet we long to turn away, we know the cause to which we stay!

Sing one last song, Hobbits go marching north!

Sing our last song, Hobbits go marching north!” 

And that’s when one of the spirit Hobbits approached Zim, “That is the song we sung, when we came to Fornost in the service of King Arvedui. We still sing it, lamenting that we will never again see the hills of the Shire. My name is Rufus Took; I was Captain of the Green Company. Long ago, we left our homes in the Shire to come to the aid of the King of Fornost. We gave our lives so that King Arvedui could escape the city. I was the last to fall, here in this very place.”

Rufus became somber as he explained a curse laid upon them. “Cursed by the evil usurper who captured the city long ago. As if our souls are being tainted with hatred toward all living. I beseech you. Find my bow that ties us to this cursed city. Wield it against the Shadow once more such that HE may fear us for a change. Brass plate with my initials. I fell somewhere up here in the dell.



Appropriate tidings considering Zim’s bagpiping along with the sung Hobbit chorus announced their whereabouts. Orcs, goblins of Mount Gram, and Hillmen of Rhudaur swarmed north from the distant hills. Snaga Trackers led the way. Zim implored Rufus, “Can your company aid our defense?” Zim played his bagpipes to lead their attack. The answer was another chorus of the Hobbit battle-tune punctuated with a hail of bluish arrows that melted into the enemy charge. Such that a few goblin and Orc became speedbumps for the onrushing horde. Longer elf arrows impaled a few more as the remaining quickly closed into melee.

The sight of Vogar’s Helm-of-Awe combined with his dwarven battle-cry caused two goblins to flee. But the chanting of the Hillmen of Rhudaur weakened the group’s resolve [increased Shadow points]. And that’s when the fellowship caught sight of the brutish Orc leader! A large, gnarled Orc with a broken tusk and metal ring on his lip. “Gishak” according to the other Orc and goblins chanting his name as he let them be the first to fall upon the fellowship’s blades and warhammers.

Mud tried to melt into the woods to continue with barrage of arrows but was soon found by 3 Orc. He alone to handle his assailants as his companions themselves were being surrounded. Zim tried to hide among his friends till the goblins found him. Forcing the Hobbit to use his blade versus pipes. Vogar tried to guard Axel with his tall-shield till Gishak stepped forward to engage the Rohirrim firsthand.



The battle was fierce considering THESE Orc and enemy came armored. Blades sparked off their armor more times than not. Gishak’s tusky grin widened as he saw his foe failing to turn aside the attack. Lorig taken out of the fight, having to heal his allies. But that’s when Zim managed to hide within the closed ranks of his foe. Thus, unleashing a deadly barrage of arrows [plus sneak-attack damage]. Hillmen were the first to fall, silencing their haunting chants. And that’s when Vogar pushed Gishak back as the dwarf stepped forward between the leader and the badly wounded Rohirrim. Which caught Gishak offguard. His grin replaced with a snarl as he put his full strength behind his next swing. Vogar staggered backwards [hit for half his HP], but was propped up and leaned back into the fight by Axel and Lorig both.

And that’s when the company changed tactics. Attacking the goblin and Orc who had less armor than their leader. Such that the once outnumbered fellowship faced even odds. It was not surprising when Gishak fell, his remaining force fled. TRIED to flee. Cut down by bluish arrows, Lorig’s Warhammer, and Zim’s carefully aimed arrows.

Axel knelt beside Gishak to search his pockets. Lorig read the Orcish parchment, “Order from Mormog to raid Bree and the Shire. I wonder if this is but distractions for his tunnel operations?” And that’s when Mud called out, “Found it! RT. Zim, I found Rufus’ bow. Still strung and fresh as if he dropped it minutes ago.” The bluish form stood behind Zim who tested the bow before handing it over, “I hope now you can journey to the Great Banquet beneath the Shire.” Rufus smiled before instructing, “The bow is yours to wield against the darkness. May the Witch King and his evil faulter against your might. You have chosen wise allies who will champion your cause.”

All stood in silence as the Green Company formed ranks, began their tune, and marched over the boulder before them. Never to be seen again as they faded into the mist that slowly began to burn off as the sun began its morning rise. Axel was the first to speak up, “Let us return south to find Talendil and our horses. He can show Gishak’s orders to the other rangers as we ride for Bree. I’m sure there are more Orc and goblins within Fornost that will be delayed as they ‘elect’ a new leader. We can hope for a long, drawn-out election for if I understand correctly, the candidates’ debate is till last-Orc standing.”

May 12th-16th: [Embark-7] You’d think victory would bring good tidings. Instead, the trudge back to Bree was thru foul weather. Bone chilling rain. Zim’s bagpipes sounded more like someone spitting as Vogar complained, “Give it a rest Hobbit! If I have to listen to one more refrain of “The Hobbits go marching north… “ But Zim was unfazed, “Thanks for listening. Keep me honest with the words as I want to teach the Shire the tune for posterity to honor the Green Company.”

May 16th: [Arrival-4] It was still raining as they approached the northeastern Bree gate after dusk. Closed and locked. Zim stepped forward with his ‘toolkit’ but was interrupted by a face peering out of a sliding porthole, “Can’t you read the sign? Closed for the night.” Zim looked up puzzled, “Sign? What sign?” And that’s when Mud approached to offer the universal unlock as he slipped a gold coin thru the porthole. Soon the gate creaked open, and the fellowship led their horses inside. Mud flipped the man another coin, “For your troubles. Stay warm my friend.”

They found the Prancing Pony almost empty. A waste to Mud’s offer, “Drinks all around.” Young Barliman soon brought a tray of mugs as Hilda stoked the hearth fire. And Zim climbed upon the stage to perform after unloading his backpack full of ancient Hobbit bows and arrows. “Let me sing you a soon-to-be famous Hobbit marching tune.” Vogar was caught in a quandary: cover his ears or drink faster. “More Ale! Keep em coming! I fear a LONG trip as we ride back to Rivendell. And if my allies don’t interrupt, there will be one more short bluish figure haunting Eriador.”


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